View Full Version : 4 more pens to bore you!

Curtis O. Seebeck
12-11-2005, 2:44 AM
This penturning thing is adicting! I made these 4 pens today and thought I would share, mainly to show off the wood! 3 of the kits are just plain old slimlines and 1 is a mini european. I got a bunch of slimline kits from my BIL so I can perfect my technique without costing me anything!

From left to right: Chinaberry, mesquite, osage orange, spalted pecan.

My favorite is the mesquite, of course. Notice the walnut oops bands at the top and bottom of the upper barrel. This blank was very burled and blew out on me at both ends. I didn't want to throw it out since it was such a nice piece so I parted off the bad spot and but a walnut min blank and glue it on with CA. I then re-turned it to match. It think it look ok.
The chinaberry really surprised me since it is a very porus, soft wood and consider total junk around here. I had to drench it in thin CA in order to turn it but it look real nice. It is much nicer in person. The spalted pecan had nice black spalt line but of course it was toward the outside of the blank and got turned away!

Anyway, just thought I would share and bore you guys with more pens! And yes, they all fit perfectly, even though the picture may seem like the don't!

Gary DeWitt
12-11-2005, 2:59 AM
LOL, I THOUGHT I saw some different wood in that mesquite one! I'm laughing because I was just thinking about asking you what was up there, how you got the different color there, when I read about the oops. I think it looks cool, and intentional!

Mark Cothren
12-11-2005, 8:41 AM
Very nice pens, Curtis!

John Hart
12-11-2005, 9:23 AM
You're not boring ME Curtis!! Nice save on the mesquite! I would have just thrown it across the room. It is worth saving...that's for sure. Nice job on all of them.

Ernie Nyvall
12-11-2005, 9:33 AM
Not boring at all. Nice job on the pens. Keep'em coming.
