View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
05-20-2019, 8:38 AM
20 May 2019

All I can say is "wow"! Last week was "crazy" busy at the day job but none the less, I did get a bit of shop cleanup done and I started working on a couple of cutting boards. I got the wood in the shop for the daughter's kitchen island top and I have a local business that wants me to make them a butcher block top of a customer table they want. The LOML notified me this morning that we have out of town guests coming on Friday of this week and staying several days and I have SO MUCH to get done....Like getting the trim work done in the daughter and son-in-law's new house!!! Good thing I have a good back-brace now that allows me to get work done as I need to....only if I were younger and faster. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
05-20-2019, 11:04 AM
It's good to be busy, Dennis!!!

I took on an unexpected last minute commission for a mother's day gift the week before last for a 13' long walnut shelf/"window mantle" for a friend's home. The finishing process got completed mid-week this past week and install is (hopefully) tomorrow. That was the extent of my woodworking activities outside of doing the CNC design/toolpathing work for cutting a few outdoor shelving unit replacement shelves from acrylic for a friend once the surface of my machine isn't holding up one end of that long piece of walnut. :) I started to faddle with some guitar scenarios for the CNC this weekend and will be continuing with that...I think it's going to be my next "for me" project.

Aside from that, the usual lawn mowing occurred as well as some weeding. I also helped get our guest quarters ready for the daughter of one of Professor Dr. SWMBO's college friends who will be living with us for a few months as she does her (unpaid) grad school internship at a museum in Trenton NJ this summer. She arrived Saturday night, actually.

Jay Larson
05-20-2019, 12:56 PM
I was able to get the pine ready for a wall cap in our basement remodel all planed down. All set for some stain, and my fiance decided she wanted to rethink the color as the wall seemed a bit dark to her.

I was able to spend the weekend out in the shop as the rain was pretty much continuous all weekend. I was able to get the cabinet cases put together for the bar area and down there for some design ideas. I also made a box joint jig that will allow me to use several size fingers. I started with a 3/8" for a laptop platform for work. Then I modified my 1/4" finger setup to use the new jig.

Then I did some research into making a hanging barn door. I want to see how some of the doors the You Tube makers look after several months, though.

Jacob Mac
05-20-2019, 2:37 PM
I made a stand for my drill press, I also installed my Wixey table saw fence digital readout

Jak Kelly
05-21-2019, 4:37 PM
Installed a storm door on the new house, Larson. Then completed milling and gluing the tops for my bench in the garage. I cam across some "dunage" (dunage = 4x4 material off flat bed 51' trailer) at work that appeared to be in good shape. Not sure what type of white-wood they are, sorry. But in hindsight for all the work that went into it, well I think I'd buy better lumber next time. But it will work!!

Lisa Starr
05-21-2019, 5:34 PM
Moved into "outdoor mode" this weekend. We are adding a small enclosed porch on to the end of our home and we started that. Friday afternoon a friend came with his tractor and drilled the post holes and we poured the footings. Saturday we set the post/beam asssemblies we had pre-assembled and poured the concrete. Sunday was back filling the remainder of each hole and installing the floor joist. 1st inspection went smoothly yesterday, and we are cleared to install the flooring and begin the wall/roof framing.

Rod Sheridan
05-22-2019, 9:23 AM
I don't know if it's wood working, I'm not sure it's even wood, seems to be mostly water judging by the weight.

If you haven't guessed I started building a raised planter out of pressure treated 6 X 6 timbers ranging from 8 to 16 feet in length.....Rod.

Derek Cohen
05-22-2019, 11:07 AM
I finally got to start a project-in-planning-for-a-few-months. I am calling this the Harlequin Table (after the checkered pattern the drawers will have). It's a side table for my wife, which will feature 8 curved drawers (compound dovetails) in a bow-front-and-back carvase, with mitred through dovetails (all hand cut, of course).

At the end of the weekend I completed one corner. It's a little too close a fit at this time, and needs a smidgeon of scraping here-and-there to fit tightly. I left it there for so long ...


Regards from Perth


Chris Hachet
05-23-2019, 9:03 AM
Helped a friend who is restoring a vintage 24 inch planer. Spent lots of quality time with my wood lathe.

Anuj Prateek
05-24-2019, 2:36 AM
I was working on making a drawer cabinet. Its constructed of spruce/fir/whitewood sold in Lowes. It's 38" x 12" x 19" in size. Wanted to learn how to make drawers and box. Took around 1.5 months and it's done. Shop (I call it tool room) is clean now and ready for next project - a simple jewelry box.

Few photos:

Front with drawers closed. On the largest drawer I drilled one hole for handle wrong - that was one big scary moment. Coated a smaller rough piece of wood with brown color epoxy and filled it. After making it flush, it turned up good (wood in center surrounded by brown color). Matches other natural knots.


Drawers done, waiting for cabinets clear coat to dry.


Drawers installed. Top smaller drawers were more difficult. While assembling them, I used TiteBond and joints became too tight. Used a mallet and the pins broke.


Originally nailed a sheet of plywood on the back. Did not like it. Extended the back and added ship lap board. Like it better.


Rod Sheridan
05-27-2019, 8:13 AM
Hosted a band saw and jointer/planer seminar at Felder on Saturday. We had fun and did some wood working.

Sunday was spent at Diann's parents farm, they're selling it so we spent time loading a trailer with scrap steel, not as much fun as wood working...........Rod.