View Full Version : Itty Bitty Turning Contest Winners

John Hart
12-10-2005, 4:59 PM
Mark Singer: "I must say all the entries were truly superb, creative and our job was not an easy one..."

And the Winners Are.....

Best of Show
Carole Valentine - Martini Glass and Olive
Notes from Judges: "Very nice detail, smooth lines, clean, clear shape. Great Martini glass!!!!"
Notes from Judges: "Carole's martini glass has awesome detail and proportion when you consider how small it is..."
Notes from Judges: "Simple elegant form with refined detail...Great proportions and sense of scale...masterful!...I love Martini's...Dirty or Lemon Drop...Or Laguna"

Honor Award
Keith Burns - Matching Goblet and Vase
Notes from Judges: "...they have the proportions and detail of a full scale piece...yet are delicate and fine as their size would suggest... "
Notes from Judges: "Really Classic proportions on both pieces...there is a sense that these are full scale and yet they are itty bitty....true crafstmanship and wonderful execution"

Merit Award
Travis Stinson - Holey Hollowform with Collar
Notes from Judges: "Delicate, thin, and light. Excellent form and very nice attention to detail."
Notes from Judges: "Light elegant ...truly art! Each hole feels like nature intended it...the ultimate organic expression in miniature...amazing!"

Honorable Mention
Bill Stevener - Spindle Candlestick Table
Notes from Judges: "Excellent piece. Wonderfully executed and great attention to detail."
Notes from Judges: "This is a delight a folley and so well executed....Great imagination, design and thought...the finest" details are still intact.."<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Honorable Mention
John Hart - Mesquite Hollowform
Notes from Judges: "Wonderful piece. Excellent porportions, very smooth and clean lines. "
Notes from Judges: "Wonderful form...a true expression of the nature of wood and the turners art...simplicity taken to a very high level.."

John Miliunas
12-10-2005, 5:15 PM
Well then, a BIG congrats to Carole and all the top qualifiers! Well done. And, I'd like to add my note of appreciation to John Hart for organizing this, to the judges for all their hard work in making these very tough decisions and, of course, a great big thanks to ALL the participants!!!:D I do believe this little exercise in...well..."little", was a great BIG success!:D :cool:

Carole Valentine
12-10-2005, 5:26 PM
Don't know what else to say except a big "Thank You!" to John for getting this unique contest rolling and to the judges for their time and consideration. I did not envy them their task! I think everyone who entered was a BIG winner because we all honed our skills and some tried things previously thought impossible. I was amazed at the turnings entered in this contest! They are ALL absolutely wonderful! This contest has sent me on a new path. I found that I really enjoyed turning miniatures and have been doing nothing but that since! Thanks!

John Hart
12-10-2005, 5:29 PM
I would like to thank everyone for participating. If we should have another event....and I think we should....We ought to have a lot of NEW turners in there...hint hint;)

I too would like to thank the Judges for all their hard work and days of deliberation...putting so much into something that just "sprung up" isn't an easy task. Thank you so much....Although I should NOT have been in the winners circle!:D :p

A big Congratulations to our BEST OF SHOW - Carole Valentine. Justly earned - Well Done

Congratulations to everyone who placed and also to those who did not...but created some awesome pieces!!!

The Prizes will be shipped to you as soon as they are personalized...Please be patient with me. Keith Outten will be making the award plates, which also deserves a huge THANK YOU!!!

Please PM me with your address so they can be shipped.....We expect Pics of course with you posing!!;)

Thanks Again Everyone!!!

Keith Burns
12-10-2005, 5:46 PM
My congrats to Carole for best of show. It definately is a deserving piece. Everyone who enterd this contest is a winner in my book. Travis your piece is terrific. I expect to see a full scale periced copy soon:) . Bill, your table is truly a work of art. Don't know how you did it. John your hollow form is teriffic. Your progression has been amazing. Now to mine, I am amazed that, compared to all of the other entries, that I placed higher than No. 50. I am truly humbled. Thanks to all of the judges who had a very difficult job and thanks to John for starting this madness. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun.

Jim Becker
12-10-2005, 5:56 PM
Carole, you don't need to be stunned. Your work for the contest as well as regularly has been outstanding and gets even better with every piece you share. The martini glass, in particular, exhibits great attention to detail, but most importantly, is extremely well proportioned given its small size and the difficulty in keeping things in tune. You can see what I mean best in the shot below which shows more of the form...and I was taught that form is a very important thing. (Be sure to click on the thumbnail to get the full-size picture as the thumbnail is very grainy)

BRAVO to all the winners and Double-BRAVO to all the folks who participated!

Michael Stafford
12-10-2005, 5:58 PM
What a wonderful contest. Congratulations to all the winners! I must congratulate John Hart for stimulating more interest on this forum than I have seen in a while. People had loads of good clean fun and it was entertaining to both turners and non-turners as well.

Congratulations Carole, Keith, Travis, Bill, and John!!!

You are all winners in my book!:D :D :D :D :D

Karl Laustrup
12-10-2005, 6:01 PM
Wonderful job one and all. Kudos to the honored on this page and to all that entered. Your work is astounding and something to be very proud of.

Now if we can get Ken to carve some itty bitty people and someone else to make a itty bitty house with itty bitty furniture and a itty bitty town, we'd have SAW MILL CREEK, USA. Home of the itty bitties. :)


Carole Valentine
12-10-2005, 6:05 PM
Wonderful job one and all. Kudos to the honored on this page and to all that entered. Your work is astounding and something to be very proud of.

Now if we can get Ken to carve some itty bitty people and someone else to make a itty bitty house with itty bitty furniture and a itty bitty town, we'd have SAW MILL CREEK, USA. Home of the itty bitties. :)


I my! What a wonderful idea, Karl! We could do that! And it would involve every group at SMC...not just turners. A HUGE SMC collaboration! Oh my...let's DO it. SMC would probably get published in the mags!!!!

Jim Becker
12-10-2005, 6:07 PM
Well...Andy Hoyt should have the house covered...

Carole Valentine
12-10-2005, 6:11 PM
Well...Andy Hoyt should have the house covered...
And Bill S the furniture! Once a scale was established, it's hard to tell what amazing items folks here would come up with.

John Hart
12-10-2005, 6:13 PM
It would be like that little town in Beetlejuice!!!! I may be guessing here...but Saw Mill Creek might be the first Internet Forum that is an actual Place!!!!

Andy Hoyt
12-10-2005, 6:44 PM
Well...Andy Hoyt should have the house covered...
Ask and ye shall receive


Hey! Congrats to everyone - that's those who just got some great recognition for their efforts and to the many others who participated as well. The encouragement from the flatlanders was also helpful. It was indeed fun. And it was the fastest week I can recall in a long time.

Carole Valentine
12-10-2005, 6:49 PM
Ask and ye shall receive


Jeeze, Andy...is there no limit to your talents???:)

Andy Hoyt
12-10-2005, 6:53 PM
And Bill S the furniture! Once a scale was established, it's hard to tell what amazing items folks here would come up with.

Carole - Scale should be 1/12. One foot in the real world equals one inch in our proposed contest. This is the standard dollhouse scale.

Hey! When it's all done perhaps we could auction it off for Hurricane Relief or something.

Travis Stinson
12-10-2005, 7:00 PM
Congrats Carole!:D To all the rest also!
Keith, it will HAVE to be full size, I don't think I could take those pitiful, sad eyes that my big Yella Baby was giving me.:( :eek: :D

Mark Singer
12-10-2005, 7:06 PM
It was a lot of fun for me! The entries were all terrific and it was really a close call to find winners among so many great and creative pieces. I have watched SMC grow in numbers, but what always amazes me is the real talent , skill and creativity that is here....this competion really reflects the depth and quality of woodworkers and artists that are here....I am proud to be a member of SMC ,,,I was very proud to be chosen as a Judge....I would like to thank the other Judges, Dennis and Jim...and special thanks to John Hart, the creator of this fun and successful event. I have said it before...SMC is a great place!!!

Chris Barton
12-10-2005, 7:12 PM
Great work everyone! Super contest!

Ernie Nyvall
12-10-2005, 7:23 PM
Congratulations to all the winners!!!!!!!!

Carole, I'm proud to say for my "eye" that I kept thinking about your martini glass throughout the contest as the winner. It's just a perfect itty bitty martini glass.

Keith, I liked your goblet the most of the two and it looked like it should be sitting on the table with eggnog in it.

Travis, I can't believe how you did that vase with the thin walls, the holes, and the collar. It looks like it should be sitting on a mantle... but you wouldn't be able to see it.

Bill, that candlestick table was really something. I don't see how you got all that glued together where it would stand up , much less to have it look like a real table. Truely amazing.

John, what a great form. You were working on that earlier on another piece and certainly attained it on this one.

This was a great idea John and very much fun to participate in... even though my bowl was disqualified:D .

Thanks to the judges for jumping in there to judge. Do we all need to pitch in and buy them some glasses for the permanent damage to their eyes:eek:

Congrats again to all and thanks for a good time.


Bernie Weishapl
12-10-2005, 7:29 PM
Congrats to all of the winners. All were absolutely awesome. I hope to be able to do that some day.

Bill Stevener
12-10-2005, 7:30 PM
Carole, Congratulations on a really fine show piece, an "outstanding" turning. If I were you, I would mix one up, fill that turning and have a good stiff drink. But, on the other hand, from what you were saying all along, maybe not, you might poke your self in the eye with the toothpick.:D

Keith, Travis and John, what can I say. All "Top Draw"

I thank the Judges, All of the turnings that were presented, were superb and to judge a contest of this nature takes a talent that is not often seen by others.

John, thanks for a great show. You can only see it on SMC.

As a last note, every one should try this once in a while, it is a great aid to sharpen ones concentration, develop patience, and or lead you to insanity. This sure was a "Good Thing, I had fun.

Oh-- One more thought, Carole could you PM me the name of your eye doctor, I must make an appointment. ;)

One of the best times I've had in a long time, Thanks Gang, Bill.>>>>>>>:)

Blake McCully
12-10-2005, 7:31 PM
My congrats to everyone as well. Great idea and organizing John. All the judges have to be commended. I can only imagine how difficult it was to choose from the entries.

Saw Mill Creek, USA. What a great idea. One of our club members creates miniatures. I plan to turn her on to this thread and encourage her to get involved. I probably won't. My smallest piece is probably too big for a mantle:D .

Jim Ketron
12-10-2005, 7:48 PM
Nice job all!
Congrats Carole and all that placed!

Bob Noles
12-10-2005, 8:08 PM
My goodness.....

I have never seen so much excellent work. Remind me never to go up against this crowd in a turning event. You are all winners and I would have hated to have to judge this contest.

Carole, a big congrats to a very deserving person and entry.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-10-2005, 9:05 PM
Congrats to everyone who entered! Congrats to the Winners! and thanks for the folly! Truly....the only thing that is better than the talent at SMC is the personalities!

BTW.......the little town...called....dare I say it.....SMALL MILL CREEk!:eek: :rolleyes:

Jim Dunn
12-10-2005, 9:35 PM
Congrats to everyone. That's why I come here for outstanding conversation and information gleaned from talented people.

Thanks all for letting us be your admirers


Richard Stewart
12-10-2005, 10:07 PM
Contratz to winning the contest:D

Carole Valentine
12-10-2005, 10:09 PM
Oh-- One more thought, Carole could you PM me the name of your eye doctor, I must make an appointment. ;)
One of the best times I've had in a long time, Thanks Gang, Bill.>>>>>>>:)
Bill, I am dropping my eye doctor...after this week and looking at all those incredibly tiny entries folks did, I need someone who can do an eye transplant!

John Bailey
12-10-2005, 11:04 PM
You folks are incredible. This was a great contest to watch, even for the likes of me, a non- turner. I'll be watching for the next event you dream up. Congrats to the winners and "way to go John" for getting it going.


John Miliunas
12-10-2005, 11:14 PM
You folks are incredible. This was a great contest to watch, even for the likes of me, a non- turner.

Hey John, simple solution for that: Talk to Bob Noles!:D :cool:

John Hart
12-10-2005, 11:41 PM
BTW.......the little town...called....dare I say it.....SMALL MILL CREEk!:eek: :rolleyes:

I've thought about this for over an hour....I think it's a great idea Ken!!!! Can we have a choo choo train?

Keith Outten
12-10-2005, 11:52 PM
I have to admit that I have been watching and enjoying the Itty-Bitty contest all week and it has truly been interesting. Lots of talent and creativity and lots of constructive comments from the gallery :)

Everyone should be proud of their work, every piece was interesting to study. I can't wait to see what you folks dream up next and make sure you let our Members who own laser engravers in on the Miniature SMC town...they will be able to provide some realy nice scale model work for the mix.

Thanks to John Hart for putting this contest together, he truly was thinking way outside the box on this one... :)

Bruce Shiverdecker
12-11-2005, 1:03 AM
Just got in. Way to go folks. Honors are WELL DESERVED!


BTW.................... An "ITTY BITTY" toast to you with my Champagne Glass full.

Rich Stewart
12-11-2005, 2:53 AM
Way to go Carole. Well deserved honors. That goes for all. I had a great time with this. Thanks to all who made it happen.

Vaughn McMillan
12-11-2005, 5:51 AM
Bigtime congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to all the contributors, judges, producers, directors, gaffers, grips, caterers and others who made the contest a success. Well done to all.

Carole - Scale should be 1/12. One foot in the real world equals one inch in our proposed contest. This is the standard dollhouse scale.

Hey! When it's all done perhaps we could auction it off for Hurricane Relief or something.
Hmmm...so all those little 1/8" x 3/4" strips I mill up by the bazillions for cutting boards are the equivalent of 9" wide 6/4 planks? There's gotta be an idea in there somewhere...I just have to wait and see what it is. Wonder if I'll need an itty bitty jointer and planer? ;)

- Vaughn

Mark Cothren
12-11-2005, 8:41 AM
Congratulations to everybody who entered!

Mark Singer
12-11-2005, 8:57 AM
I must say ...One of the judges is a great guy...the other 2 are ok...you do the math:rolleyes:

Dennis Peacock
12-11-2005, 7:34 PM
Many congrats to ALL of you. It was all of you that made the Itty-Bitty Contest what I "turned" out to be.:rolleyes: :p :D

Thanks to everyone that entered and thanks to John Hart for the idea.

Dennis Peacock
12-11-2005, 7:35 PM
I must say ...One of the judges is a great guy...the other 2 are ok...you do the math:rolleyes:

Why THANKS Mark...!!!!!! You're not half bad yourself. :p :p :D :rolleyes:

Mark Singer
12-11-2005, 7:41 PM
Dennis , I am just ok...so there is another math question for you and Jim ...lets ee the square root of 3 is????? Avagadro's # is 6.02 x 10 to the 23...great with chips and salsa:cool: