View Full Version : Walnut Tool Box

Michael Stafford
12-10-2005, 1:44 PM
Although I spend more time of late on the lathe side of my shop I still make a few things on the flat side. Here is something I made for a special friend.

This friend travels a lot and during those travels he always finds time to look for choice chunks of wood for me to make something out of. It is easier for him to bring home turning wood since in general it is much easier to pack in a suitcase.

I always make his wife and daughters something from this wood and over the years I have made them all jewelry boxes and other flatwork boxes but I have not ever made anything specifically for him except some bowls for him to enjoy his gruel in....:p :D

Well, Tom this tool box is for you. Solid walnut about 10"x10"X25" long, it is complete except for the brown felt liner for the bottom that I will put in as soon as the felt arrives. I was pretty pleased with the grain wrap I was able to acheive on such a large box. I hope he will use it to store things in.

tod evans
12-10-2005, 1:51 PM
nice work mike

Bruce Shiverdecker
12-10-2005, 1:59 PM
Wish I was that GOOD a Friend.

I know he'll enjoy it. Beautiful!!!!!


John Dingman
12-10-2005, 2:01 PM

Very nice work! That looks way too nice to be a tool box :D Excellent Job!


Mark Singer
12-10-2005, 2:01 PM
Amazing all the stuff I make on the lathe comes out round...sort of:confused:

Tom Sontag
12-10-2005, 2:06 PM
Very handsome indeed.

Frank Pellow
12-10-2005, 2:12 PM
Michael, you have a very lucky friend!

Michael Stafford
12-10-2005, 2:26 PM
Thank you Frank, but in my book I am lucky to have him for a friend. Very lucky indeed. Thank you all for the nice comments. And Mark, it takes years of practice to start with something round on the lathe and make it rectangular....:p :D

Vaughn McMillan
12-10-2005, 2:28 PM
Where does a fella sign up to be one of your friends, Mike? Great job in all respects.

- Vaughn

David Duke
12-10-2005, 2:28 PM
Very nice work on the box but even a bigger pat on the back for you and your friend.

Gary Breckenridge
12-10-2005, 2:32 PM
:rolleyes: The box looks great. Where did you get the hardware? Getting interesting hardware is always one of the challenges that I have when I make a box.:)

Reg Mitchell
12-10-2005, 2:34 PM
As of late I see a lot of bashing going on in a lot of the rooms i visit. To see a post such as this one is quiet refreshing. You, it seems, have a good friend. And so does he. That is a very beautiful "tool box" and i am sure he will smile when you give it to him.
Thanks for the post and the pictures of the nice workmanship. :)

John Miliunas
12-10-2005, 2:42 PM
That's just wonderful, Mike! I'm thinking it is indeed quite the "special" friendship. By the sounds of it, I'd be willing to bet that your friend would've been happy with half of what that box is, much less something that beautiful! Well done, indeed! :) (Now, get back on the spinny thing, wouldya'!):D :cool:

Frank Pellow
12-10-2005, 2:44 PM
Thank you Frank, but in my book I am lucky to have him for a friend. Very lucky indeed.
Yes, good friends are precious indeed!

Bill Simmeth
12-10-2005, 2:50 PM
I was pretty pleased with the grain wrap I was able to acheive on such a large box.Boy! You should be pleased. The grain absolutely flows around the corners. Nicely done!!

I hope he will use it to store things in.Well, if he doesn't, I'll come get it and put it to good use!! ;) But, I'm sure Tom will treasure it, as he should.

John Hart
12-10-2005, 2:53 PM
Mike...It seems like every time you make something, I have to say WOW!! This is no exception. Just gorgeous!!

Keith Burns
12-10-2005, 2:58 PM
Don't come up here much either Mike but I can tell you this, you have as much talent in flat work as you do in round work and writing ! Wonderful toolbox, much to nice to use, should be displayed:) :) :)

Andy Hoyt
12-10-2005, 3:04 PM
Seems as though all of us spinners have come over to the flatside for a breather after the IBE. But you were busy all along! Well done, Mike. It sure is pretty - way too pretty for my tools, so I guess Tom might as well have it.

Corey Hallagan
12-10-2005, 3:14 PM
Very cool Mike! Your freind will be happy! Missed seeing your "flat" work. Question, is the top a solid piece of wood or mitered frame and panel? Again, beautiful work!


Tyler Howell
12-10-2005, 3:17 PM
Big Mike,
Your Bud shouldn't put anything but Bridge City/LN quality tools in that fine piece of craftsmanship.
Too Nice:cool:

Michael Stafford
12-10-2005, 4:38 PM
Gary, the hardware came from the Lee Valley Hardware catalog I believe. I bought a lot of those hinges and hasps from them a while back but I also bought some from Rockler so either one might be a good source.

Corey, the top is made by capturing the panel in a centered groove that runs along the edge of the mitered frame. The panel is also grooved all the way around so the two grooves overlap each other. The frame was cut from long sticks that also had a dado equal in width to the thickness of the sides so that when it was mitered it fit tightly on the box sides and tied the top neatly to the sides. The panel floats in the grooves in the frame. The bottom is made the same way with one exception, the bottom panel is flush with the molded frame at the bottom of the box. The bottom frame is also dadoed to accept the box sides.

Thanks for all the nice comments. I do appreciate them.:o :D

Dick Parr
12-10-2005, 5:11 PM
Very nice Mike, I always thought you made the small boxes because you couldn't do anything with more then 6".:eek: ...:D :rolleyes:

You are truly a good friend to many and this friend is very lucky.;)

Jim Ketron
12-10-2005, 11:06 PM
Oh Yea The Box Master strikes again!:eek:
Mike that is beautiful. i would be afraid to put anything in it.
Awesome job Bud!

Travis Stinson
12-10-2005, 11:12 PM
Mike, you sneak off down into the flatlands and didn't tell us! Beautiful!:D
Tom is certainly a lucky guy to have such a friend.:cool:

John Bailey
12-10-2005, 11:27 PM

Great box and a great story. I bet the ladies have enjoyed their gifts too. Probably won Tom a few points along the way.


Shelley Bolster
12-11-2005, 12:42 PM
Wow Mike, I am impressed! It was your flat boxes that first made me notice you over a year ago, I was a little worried that you had all but given them up for turning. (like a few others that shall remain nameless ;) ) Anyhow, I am really glad to see you still "have it" and by the way BM.....you most definitely HAVE IT! :D Mike, your friend will no doubt be thrilled and touched by your wonderful gift.

lou sansone
12-11-2005, 4:32 PM
very nice box.. has anyone asked what is going to be put in the box?


Michael Stafford
12-11-2005, 4:57 PM
Lou, I have no idea but knowing my friend it will never be used. He has a tendency to hoard stuff. Maybe he will use it for display as someone suggested. He is not a woodworker so I doubt he will be putting his collection of L/N or Bridge City in it.....:p :D :D