View Full Version : X and Y Axis are inverted???

Casey Van Wagoner
05-02-2019, 1:02 PM
Hey Guys,
I about to throw this laser through the wall. Seems like every time a boot it up, something new is wrong. Right now, when I draw a horizontal rectangle, the laser puts it out as a vertical rectangle. Sizing is good on it, it is just not the right way though. Everything functions, but axis is backwards. Any advice?

Using a 20w China laser with EzCad 2

Kev Williams
05-03-2019, 12:18 AM
in EzCad, press F3. In the menu near the top menu, you'll see "galvo1=x" and "galvo2=x" -- whichever one is checked, check the other one.

0n all my fibers galvo 2 is X, for what it's worth...

Casey Van Wagoner
05-06-2019, 5:39 PM
Kev with the knowledge bombs again!!!

Kev Williams
05-06-2019, 6:12 PM
While EzCad can be a nightmare, what I love about it is how many ways there are to manipulate, fix or totally screw up your engraving output... For the first several months of owning my Triumph fiber, to keep a working table I'd made- that rested against the front of the case- square to the machine's output I would use a 1/16" shim on the left side of the table. Pain in the butt but it worked. Right up until I finally noticed in the F3 settings below 'offset X' and 'offset Y', was 'angle'... it's been set at 0.38° ever since, and no more shimming :D