View Full Version : Santa came early

Bob Noles
12-09-2005, 6:52 PM
I finally made it out to the shop this afternoon to uncrate my new arrival. I was requested to make and post some pictures that I have attached when I got it put together.

This is the PSI Turncrafter Pro in person. I selected this lathe after much research, personal debate and the help of knowledgable people both here and abroad. I believe this is going to be an excellent beginner lathe and appears to be well made. I have it sitting on my workbench at the moment, but hope to get started building a true lathe stand tomorrow.

Assembly took less than 15 minutes and another 5 to wipe the "protective coating" (mystery gunk :eek: ) off the surfaces. After that I pluged it in and threw the switch. At first I was startled because it seemed like nothing happened then I realized it was running at full speed. VERY quiet and vibration free. A solid piece of equipment for the money in my opinion.

Well.... enjoy the pictures and let's see if I can learn to turn now. No more excuses :p

Jim Bell
12-09-2005, 7:01 PM
Congrats on the lathe Bob......But that shop, it's waayyy to clean. I reckon you will fix that soon enough though;)

John Hart
12-09-2005, 7:14 PM
Yeah Bob....I really LOVE how clean everything is. I think I'll go down to the shop tonight and tidy up a little just so I can feel better.:o But aside from that....What a pretty piece of equipment!!!! It looks right at home. Congratulations!!:) :) :)

Bernie Weishapl
12-09-2005, 7:24 PM
Congrats Bob. Looks like a nice piece of equipment. I guess I am like John better tidy up a little. Going to get mine Sunday. Now put a little sawdust around it.

Bart Leetch
12-09-2005, 8:22 PM
Looks like a great lathe kinda like a Jet in PSI clothes.:D

Now get turning. Turning & turning the wood goes round where it stops we don't want to know. If it stops the fun will be all over.:D :eek: Well then again the fun is probably all over by the time we get done anyway. Thats what a broom is for.:eek:

Travis Stinson
12-09-2005, 8:37 PM
Congrats Bob!:D
Now, relax your grip on the edge, resistance is futile....................Enjoy the ride!:cool:

Joe Horne
12-09-2005, 8:45 PM
NICE little machine. It appears to be very similar to the Jet Mini, as Bart mentioned. I look forward to a full report on how you like it. I wish Santa would come early at my house. I guess you were a REAL good boy this year! ;)

Mike Wenzloff
12-09-2005, 8:53 PM
Hah hah hah...another slope to slip and slide down!

Welcome to the world of turning, Bob!

Take care,

who feels good he helped to pushed someone down another slope

Carole Valentine
12-09-2005, 8:57 PM
Well what on earth are you waiting for????? I was hacking away at a chunk of wood the second I turned my mini on!:D
Congrats, Bob. There will be no return. I'm predicting that within a year you will be slobbering over a new White Whale or a Mustard Yellow Chunk of iron or, since you will be used to red, maybe a Bright Red DVR.:p

PS You better frame those pictures 'cause your shop will NEVER be that clean again, at least not if you actually use that red thing!

Andy Hoyt
12-09-2005, 9:33 PM
Well it's about dang time!

What's her name?

Keith Burns
12-09-2005, 9:58 PM
Great looking piece of hardware Bob. I expect we will see some pix of some bowls tommorrow, right???:D :D :D

Gary DeWitt
12-09-2005, 10:00 PM
Congrats, Bob. That does look like a real good place to start.
Waiting for pics of your first piece.


Still waiting...

Well, haven't you turned anything yet?!

Carole Valentine
12-09-2005, 10:34 PM
that Bob is going to have a late night tonight!:D

John Miliunas
12-09-2005, 10:36 PM
Awright, Bob!!!:D Congrats. Looks to be a substantial little spinny thing you got there! And you're right...No more excuses for you!!!:D Now, just make sure when you're planning the stand for it and placement in your shop that, you'll still leave enough room for the big Powermatic you're getting next year!:D Yup, you've been assimilated!:D Enjoy!:cool:

John Hart
12-09-2005, 10:36 PM
that Bob is going to have a late night tonight!:D

I sure hope so. We gotta get him primed for the next contest!!!!!

Bob Noles
12-10-2005, 6:08 AM
Thanks for the comments y'all and yes, it is red for sure.... almost too red. The wife has been telling me I needed more color in my life and now I have some. :D Just a side note for those interested in giving turning a try on a budget to see if they like it.... Lathe was $169, extension bed (optional) was $28, free shipping and no sales tax from Amazon. A good entry point and if I like it I will certanly consider upgrading down the road, most especially a VS machine.

Going to get started on a lathe stand today, so no turning practice just yet :( . I have decided to go with a modified version of the one shown in Keith Rowley's Foundation course. It looks very sturdy and very functional. Mine of course will have wheels and stabilizers just like every other machine out there.

As for all the "Mr. Clean" comments I receive everytime I post a picture....:D :D :D My shop is really just a tool shrine that houses my equipment.... most of the dirty work "normally" gets done outside on the patio. This lathe thing may end up being an exception to that though, as it will be booking more time than some of the other tools out there and I won't be able to choose favorable outdoor conditions as well. Oh well... no more pictures when that happens :eek:

Thanks for the funning Y'all. I appreciate everything you have helped me with including the beatings :p I'll up some additional pictures when I get the stand finished and everything in it's place.

Chris Barton
12-10-2005, 8:26 AM
Hi Bob,

What a great looking machine there! Wait I see a problem, it doesn't have any wood spinning in it's jaws...

Mark Hulette
12-10-2005, 9:44 AM
Congrats, Bob!

It's indeed a treacherous thing you are about to begin... tread wisely! :eek:

Just funnin'~ Turning is such a quick fix type of hobby... very gratifying to see a creation in just a few minutes vs. weeks (at least for me) when it comes to flat work. You will absolutely love it.

Not sure what you'll be turning (pens, bowls, ornaments, hf) but I know one things for sure, you'll be able to turn a gianormous pen with that bed extension! Have fun and get the shop a little messy!

Keith Christopher
12-11-2005, 8:50 PM
Interesting to note this looks EXACTLY like my Rikon ! Nice gloat !

Mark Singer
12-11-2005, 9:02 PM
I love the color...I don't know much about turning.....just judging contests ...a little....of little stuff...nice spinner...(That is what I call em...spinners)

Bill Stevener
12-11-2005, 10:53 PM
Havent herd from Bob in two days now, I wonder if Santa took his lathe back:D .

Travis Stinson
12-11-2005, 11:03 PM
Nah, the Black hole's got him good. All sense of time has escaped him now:D .

Andy Hoyt
12-11-2005, 11:13 PM
Nah, the Black hole's got him good. All sense of time has escaped him now:D .
Actually, probably more like the Nexus from Star Trek as he keeps repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch

Bill Stevener
12-11-2005, 11:18 PM
If he's still on the first blank, it will more than likely be entered in the next Itty Bitty contest. :confused:

Ron Ainge
12-12-2005, 12:38 PM
I find something very wrong with that lathe. I has no chips around it, now if you are going to be a turner we must have some wood chips in the picutre. Congrats on the new lathe we will be waiting to some pic's of your work.