View Full Version : Connecticut Valley Furniture Book

Roger Myers
12-09-2005, 6:43 PM
Package from Amazon arrived yesterday but I didn't open it because it is that time of year, and I hadn't ordered anything recently. LOML informs me tonight that one package contained a book I had pre-ordered January 31'st of this year... :eek: :eek:

Connecticut Valley Furniture
Eliphalet Chapin and His Contemporaries 1750-1800
by Thomas P Kugelman and Alice K. Kugelman with Rober Lionetti
ISBN 1-881264-08-4

Book is large format, weighs a ton and is over 550 pages....!!:D

Initial glance at the book and my reaction is very favorable...will take weeks to do this book justice!!

I visited the exhibition of Chapin's work that the Connecticut Historical Society put together when it toured through Mass - group from our Guild made the trip...

For those that love American Period Furniture, I think this book is going to be a must have....

Glad I ordered it when I did (pre-order price was something like 47.25 or so, which for a book like this is a bargain) and even happier that I forgot about it...made it like an early Christmas gift...

I see that it is still available at that price now...although it is not elegible for the free shipping anymore...

Now, after a foot of snow today, it's time to light a fire in the fireplace and settle down with a good book on furniture:)


Mike Cutler
12-09-2005, 6:51 PM
Nice, very nice. Try not to stay up to late.;)

lou sansone
12-09-2005, 6:59 PM
oh boy ....another book for my reading pleasure ... thanks for the reminder
lou :rolleyes:

Dave Anderson NH
12-10-2005, 8:16 AM
I'll be over to check it out Roger.:D After we saw the exhibit last Spring at the Concord Museum and then went to Historic Deerfield this past Summer, I have a new appreciation for the Connecticut Valley school of furniture. There was a really nice CT Valley candlestand that I want to build if I can get caught up with the bowsaws and finish the tiger maple handkerchief table.