View Full Version : Outlet cover/protection

Thomas Wilson80
04-27-2019, 7:42 PM
So I just upgraded to a bigger lathe and the way my small garage shop is situated, the 110v and 220v outlets are on the wall right in front of my turning area. Is there a simple way to protect them from dust and water from wet wood?
Facing away from the wall wouldn’t be ideal as there are cabinets that my head bumps into.


Alex Zeller
04-27-2019, 8:09 PM
Will they have stuff plugged into them? If not then they make outdoor outlet covers. The ones I have are spring loaded. I also have outdoor ones that are designed to cover the outlets even with a cord plugged in but only small very flexible cords will work with them. My neighbor has a number of small sheds that he keeps locked up. He's cheap and uses the dial style locks from a school that he removed the back off of so he could figure out the combination. He uses pieces of inner tube nailed onto the door above them to keep any water from getting into them and having them corrode or freeze. It's not the prettiest option but it will work.

Tom Wilson66
04-27-2019, 8:25 PM
Two sides with a hinged door and open bottom. Let the cords hang out the bottom. You could make it out of about anything and paint it to protect from the water spray. Or one board over the top with a plastic sheet hanging down to keep them dry. A bunch of mini umbrellas from tropical drinks hot glued in front of the plugs.

David C. Roseman
04-28-2019, 10:09 AM
So I just upgraded to a bigger lathe and the way my small garage shop is situated, the 110v and 220v outlets are on the wall right in front of my turning area. Is there a simple way to protect them from dust and water from wet wood?

Tom, do a quick web search for "weatherproof in-use outlet cover". Several options available for under $10.

Leo Van Der Loo
04-28-2019, 1:01 PM
This one should do for your use, on Amazon, Taymac MM510C weatherproof cover, can be mounted horizontal or vertical, also available for double outlets.


Thomas Wilson80
04-28-2019, 2:25 PM
Thanks everyone. The examples given are just what I was looking for. I found some similar at the local big box store but they are not quite right for my setup. The examples Leo and David showed will be perfect.
