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Derek Arita
04-25-2019, 8:10 PM
I'm looking for a compressor, however I have space constraints. I'd like a standing unit, 150psi, at least 10cfm@90 and 50" max tall. Am I dreaming?

Jim Becker
04-25-2019, 8:46 PM
I suspect you'll need to go with a horizontal format...for big bucks...to meet that height requirement. But I certainly could be wrong about that.

Bill Dufour
04-26-2019, 1:06 AM
Why 150 PSI? I suggest remote tank in attic or outside.

Bill Orbine
04-26-2019, 4:56 AM
More likely a wet dream (Not pratical): https://www.aircompressorsdirect.com/First-Air-FAS4-Air-Compressor/p80212.html?utm_term=0catch80212&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2IrmBRCJARIsAJZDdxDqfSUuq1zfaD3qhiKz jaAtedmN0MbHaFkfzkcQ028hoNcM7gR8b0aAj6aEALw_wcB

Mike Cutler
04-26-2019, 1:44 PM
I'm looking for a compressor, however I have space constraints. I'd like a standing unit, 150psi, at least 10cfm@90 and 50" max tall. Am I dreaming?

Not really dreaming.
Quincy and Rolair both make models that can be adapted to suit, if space is a problem. 10CFM is fairly easy to find. Why is 150psi a requirement? If it's to run air tools, at a higher perceived pressure, change hose diameter and get rid of the orifice restrictions that cause the pressure drop across the hose and fittings. People some times jack up the regulator pressure, to get adequate pressure at the end of a smaller diameter hose and fittings. It's not inconceivable that you can have a 15-20psi pressure drop from regulator output, to final fitting. I use 1/2" hoses and 3/8" fittings.
To get around the height issue, separate the compressor from the receiver tank. They don't have to be mounted to each other. You'll probably void the warranty before you ever use it, but,,,,,.

Derek Arita
04-26-2019, 2:11 PM
Mike, thanks! I knew someone here would have an alternative. I’ll take a good look at those. 😎