View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
04-22-2019, 5:58 PM
22 Apr 2019

Yes, I know I'm late...but I just got back in town from visiting my youngest son at Fort Sill, OK. Things are going ok for him but he has been held back 2 weeks because he failed the push-ups part of his final PT test by 2 push-ups. He's expected to retake the PT test this coming Friday and if he passes this test, he will then transfer over to his school to begin training for his MOS/Job. We were able to spend some time with him on Thursday afternoon and again a few hours on Friday. We also were able to attend Easter Church Service with him at 0600 hours Sunday morning. The LOML and I decided to stay Sunday night and leave for home this morning (Monday). We are exhausted but are ever so thankful to have spent time with our soldier at Ft. Sill, OK.

No woodworking for me but my hopes is to start doing some finalizing of plans this week and see where I go from there.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all!

Jim Becker
04-22-2019, 7:53 PM
Dennis, congrats to your son and the family for his accomplishment!

I had a generally quiet time this past week...I'm between commissions so things like shop organization, cleanup CNC machine quarterly maintenance and some other little things took place on the woodworking side of things. I spent some time clearing debris from the many fallen dead trees on our property and am about ready to cut up the remaining downed trunks before I move on to cutting down a few more of the remaining dead Ash that are physically in the lawn. I also mowed the lawn for the first (and second) time this year and to my memory, this was one of the first times I started so early. It's typically the beginning of May. But the last cut was also very late at the end of November. 'Times are a changin'....

One little project for the week was to make some new supports for my parallel clamps in an effort to make the storage more efficient and accessible given my moving the sanding station to that spot rather than the tool box that was there previously. It made for a nice little CNC project with some scrap plywood.



Today, I started a new project for our home that while a "simple thing", will hopefully have some style. Our older daughter has a pet bunny and Dotti the Bunny wants to be able to roam a little farther than our daughter's room. To keep her safe, we need a "bunny gate" at the end of the hallway so Dotti cannot jump down onto the loft floor (only one step) which would further lead to the main staircase which would be dangerous. Rather than buying something, I'm making it and it will, of course, be "bunny themed". :D

Lastly, I got some good news from my Subaru sales person...she got my VIN and it's looking like my new ride will arrive earlier than originally expected...like the first week of May or maybe even a few days earlier if I'm really lucky. This is good...I've been driving Professor Dr SWMBO's Outback and she's been taking our borrowed vehicle to the train station. It will be nice to get back to normal. Err...whatever "normal" is, of course. I'm never sure about that anymore. :D

Bryan Lisowski
04-22-2019, 10:17 PM
Dennis, thank your son for his service. I actually spent the entire weekend in the shop. I am building some long overdue shop projects and rearranging as I go.