View Full Version : A few carvings ** PICS **

Ken Salisbury
12-09-2005, 1:07 PM
In a recent thread on my health I mentioned I had done some carvings and the "pic police" berated me for not posting pics.

Due to my battling of lung cancer and on going respritory problems my doctors have barred me from any shop work :mad: . I needed to find something wood related to do to keep from going batty. So why not try some carving.

Since I had never done any carving at all , I bought a few books and some basic carving tools and tried my hand at it. I am not very good at it, at least not yet. It is satisfying and time consuming. Maybe if I keep at it I will get a little better.

My first 7 pieces:

Three more Santas in the middle of the painting process:


The beginng of another:

The first 2 tries of some small Ozark characters (shown painted in the first pic above:

Bernie Weishapl
12-09-2005, 1:15 PM
Ken those are awesome. I like carving to although I don't have much time for it now. I hope I will have the time when I retire. Hope you are feeling better and on the road to recovery.

Bob Noles
12-09-2005, 1:25 PM

Those are very nice and I appreciate your talent. Carving is not something I can even dream to attempt as I have no artistic blood in my veins at all.

As Bernie expressed, we are all hoping and praying for your speedy recovery. Always good to see a post from you.

Matt Crew
12-09-2005, 1:38 PM
Don't say you don't have a talent for carving, as Tony would say," they're grrrrreeeaaatttt!!!!"
I couldn't draw a striaght line with out the help of a straight edge, and then its tough.
Hope your doing alright, and have a speedy recovery.

lloyd morris
12-09-2005, 1:49 PM

Your carvings are exceptional. I wish I had the talent for carving that you have. All my carvings look very crude by comparison.

Lloyd Morris

Bill Sampson
12-09-2005, 2:05 PM
For some reason, the pictures did not come thru. This happens on occasion, but most times the pictures show as posted. What do I need to do?
Bill Sampson, Richmond

Frank Pellow
12-09-2005, 2:15 PM
Ken, you do have a talent for wood carving (in spite of what you say). It's good that you are still able to work with wood!

I did a bit of carving for the first time earlier this year and hope to better at it. If I ever get as good as you, I will be very happy.

Bruce Shiverdecker
12-09-2005, 2:35 PM
Glad to see you're keeping WOOD IN HAND!

Did you enter any of the Santas in Woodcrafts contest?

They are worthy of showing off.

Thanks for sharing,


David Wilson
12-09-2005, 2:35 PM
Looking good. Did you do the painting too? I have a chunk of basswood that I will ship to you if you think you can use it. Tried a little carving and found out that I have no tallent for it. Hang in there keep buisy and remember we are all pulling for you.

Tom Hamilton
12-09-2005, 2:37 PM
Hey Ken:

They look wonderful. I wish my first of anything had that level of proportion, imagination and detail.

You must be delighted to find an outlet for your creativity and energy. Are you working on a Nativity scene for the season?

Congratulations on a new woodworking hobby.

Merry Christmas, Tom

Ian Barley
12-09-2005, 2:56 PM
Nice work Ken - I especially like Mr Bruin in the first pic. Glad to hear that you are making pogress.

John Bush
12-09-2005, 3:19 PM
Hi Ken,
Great job on the carvings. I took a carving class right before X-mas a few years ago and instead of the usual Santa we all carved Christmas decorated Clydesdales. Mine did look like a mammal, but more closely ressembled a Rhino .
Great to see the pics.

Any luck with the branding irons? If you check (http://thefullm.com/?go=check) out the increase in gold prices, you button is up over 30%.

Ken, it's great to hear from you and see that you are adding to you WWing skills.

Best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful holiday (http://timinthq.com/?go=holiday) season.

Warmest Regards. John Bush.

john whittaker
12-09-2005, 3:50 PM
First pic...Santa is looking at Rocky the Squirrel like he just made a mess on the floor.:eek: Can't believe these are your FIRST carvings. I've tried and my first looked like....well....like a hunk of wood. They are GREAT with good expressions.

I wasn't around for the beginning of SMC but know from reading posts that you had a big hand in its success. Thank you for all you've done. You have touched the lives of so many. Please know that we are all pulling for you.

John Whittaker

Todd Burch
12-09-2005, 6:45 PM
Hey Ken. I'll be waiting for the bud-lite lookalike carving.

Karl Laustrup
12-09-2005, 7:15 PM
Ken I think you are being far to harsh on yourself. Those figures are priceless. They are much better than I could ever do. I've tried carving before and all I could accomplish was a smaller piece of wood.

Check out this link http://www.byerschoice.com/ . While these are clay, not wood, they have become much like the Beanie Babies of a few years ago, although these have been going for about 30 years. You may have a new career on your hands. Your carvings have the same type of appeal, at least to me, as the carolers have.

Keep carving and getting better health wise. Keep those pictures coming.


Dennis Peacock
12-09-2005, 7:36 PM
WOW!!!! Ken...I'm blown away at how good those are.

How much for the carving of ME!!?????:eek: :D

David Duke
12-09-2005, 8:09 PM
As has already been stated many times already your carving look really great. Carving is something I keep telling myself that I really do want to learn to do but have never gotten around to trying, I hope that if and when I do try that by my 50th attempt I have something with as good of proportions as you have in your first few tries.

Jim Becker
12-09-2005, 8:18 PM
Those are great, Ken!! Thanks for posting them and sharing.

Vaughn McMillan
12-09-2005, 8:37 PM
Good to see the wood chips are flying for you again, Ken. I think the carvings look great, and like many others here, I couldn't begin to carve that well, especially just starting out.

Keep carving, and keep getting well. We're all pulling for you.

- Vaughn

Dave Bonde
12-09-2005, 10:00 PM
Never carved before - if you expect us to believe that you should at least show one bad one ;) :D great job Ken - can't wait to see the next batch. Dave

Von Bickley
12-09-2005, 10:55 PM
It's good to see you posting..... Keep up the good work.

Dave Anderson NH
12-10-2005, 8:22 AM
I'm really glad that you are feeling better and making progress in you fight Ken. As for talent in carving-- no one is born with the ability to make masterpieces right off the bat. From your pictures it is obvious the progress you have made just from the difference between the finished pieces and the mustachioed man you are working on now. Having seen some of your work a couple of years ago when I visited, I have no doubts that you will master this too with practice.

Ken Salisbury
12-11-2005, 8:51 AM
WOW!!!! Ken...I'm blown away at how good those are.

How much for the carving of ME!!?????:eek: :D

Sorry to say it will not be for sale. In reality the carving is to be one of my Son-in-law who's name is also Dennis :). I will call it my 'Dennis Doll" :D.

Mark Singer
12-11-2005, 8:55 AM
I really love them just full of spirit and character....like the guy that made them!
Keep it up ! It is great to see your work...

lou sansone
12-11-2005, 4:39 PM
hey the family is looking good, even have wooden pets and all. Them Ozarks look pretty stout... have a blessed holiday

Charles McKinley
12-12-2005, 2:44 PM
Hi Ken,

Glad to see a post of your creations again. The Cowboy is great!

I'm glad that you are feeling better.