View Full Version : Interesting DeWalt 7 tool combo review

Ole Anderson
04-19-2019, 5:39 PM
I ran across a new video yesterday where Jesse of the Pure Living for Life YouTube channel (building a timber framed house) unboxed and reviewed a $599 Dewalt 20 volt Max 7 tool combo kit in a rolling DeWalt Tough Box. https://www.homedepot.com/p/DEWALT-20-Volt-MAX-Lithium-Ion-Cordless-Combo-Kit-7-Tool-with-1-4Ah-and-2-2Ah-Batteries-in-a-Rolling-ToughSystem-Toolbox-DCKTS780D2M1/304958991?cm_mmc=Shopping%7CG%7CBase%7CD25T%7C25-9_PORTABLE+POWER%7CNA%7CPLA%7c71700000034127218%7c 58700003933021540%7c92700041933824237&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4-XlBRDuARIsAK96p3BYGa-lKhtpu2lc1QtoAtBadeuiRTJPTvm6qOhStmp84JLJez2JO40aA m0LEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds His take: Not all DeWalt tools are alike. We all knew that, so did he. Thought he was getting a full XR brushless kit, only the drill appeared brushless, but even that was a step below the buy-alone XR drill. Still probably a good kit for most. The real deal full brushless kit is $779 and doesn't include the grinder or the rolling box. https://www.amazon.com/DEWALT-DCK694P2-20V-6-Tool-Combo/dp/B073T58ZKF/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=dewalt+xr+tool+kit&qid=1555562591&s=gateway&sr=8-2&linkCode=ll1&tag=purlivforlifyt-20&linkId=f0b86dfda6bfa0ad03a9cf498a2862f0&language=en_US Interesting video as he compares it with some of his some Milwaukee Fuel and Makita brushless tools. Buyer beware.

The guy is very articulate and is no dummy. In the time it took (3 years) to get his house designed, built, dried in and liveable in the lower level, he learned to fly and got his pilot license, and created a YouTube channel with 426,000 subscribers with enough income to buy a lot of tools, vehicles, and big boy toys including (I think his plane and an F250, supposedly with no debt) a WoodMiser LT15 that they used to mill all of the lumber for the house..
