View Full Version : Which hand plane: small glue-up boards for bowl blanks

Dan Gaylin
04-17-2019, 9:49 AM
Hi all,

i have a very specific purpose that is making me think it’s time to take the plunge into hand planes. I regularly glue up boards to provide 8x8 or 10x10 sections that I then glue together to create an 8x8x3 or 10x10x4 bowl blank for turning. I also will sometimes glue an 10x10x2 bowl blank disc to a 6x6x2 bowl blank disc to make a bigger blank. My problem is getting the boards and the blanks flat so that they glue together well. I do not have a power jointer or planer and even if I did I think these sizes would be too small without special sleds to go through those tools safely.

So so I am thinking of trying hard planes for the first time. I have done a lot reading. It seems like for flattening a low angle jack plane is a great way to go. But the concern I have is that this plane, at 14” or so, is too big for 10x10” or 8x8” boards and blanks. I’ve looked at a #4, but it seems like it’s just for smoothing and won’t allow me to really flatten the boards and blanks without a huge amount of work.

Your advice is most appreciated!



Derek Cohen
04-17-2019, 10:39 AM
The LA Jack would work well. Alternatives are either a Stanley #5 or a #5 1/2 (perhaps too wide). These planes are all the same length. I would not consider them too long to plane 8-10" boards.

Regards from Perth


Mike Cornwall
04-17-2019, 10:51 AM
I’m not an expert but I do end up planing small stuff like that often. I think the best would be if you had a #4 or similar with an enlarged mouth and scrub iron for hogging off a lot at first, and then a #4 with a narrow mouth and a straight iron as a smoother.
Since you probably don’t want to buy two planes, it might be worth trying to simulate the effect of the enlarged mouth with the frog adjustment on a #4. Not a legit scrub plane probably but I think it would work if you dump the chips often. Scrub plane chips are less prone to clogging for me since they’re cross grain and generally a lot thicker than the shavings from a smoother.
To clarify, I think it might work to back the frog up on a #4 to create a larger mouth, and run a convex iron in the plane for removing lots of material at first. Then switch to a smoothing iron and adjust the frog to close up the mouth for making a smooth glue surface by planing in the direction of the grain.

Jim Koepke
04-17-2019, 10:58 AM
Dan, your location isn't listed in your profile. Do you live near a city where Lie Nielsen has tool events?


They are a good place to get a hands on feel for a plane's size.

Otherwise you may live near another SMC member who would extend a welcome to their shop for a test drive.

You do not mention whether you are intending to purchase a new plane or considering purchasing an older plane to fix up.

Either a #4 size smoother or a #5 jack plane would be able to handle your stated needs.

At times my #7 or #8 (at 22" and 24" respectively) have been used on pieces smaller than your examples. With a piece that is cupped, a longer plane can be helpful used across the cupping to level a surface.


Dan Gaylin
04-17-2019, 11:24 AM
Thank you all for the helpful replies. I’m in Maryland (just updated my profile). No Lee Nielsen events near me although there is a Woodcraft store quite close. I am planning on buying new. Was leaning toward Veritas because they are a little cheaper. After upgrading lots of tools over the years I’m now at a point where I try to buy something high quality from the get go. Sounds like both planes I was thinking about could work well, as well as some others. Glad to hear (and very helpful) that the size of the board is not an issue. Hard to decide which way to go though...

robert wiggins
04-17-2019, 1:07 PM
Have you considered 2 x the finished size in length for planing and then cutting in half either before glue up or after. That way you could have 2 x the number of bowls.:)

Brian Hale
04-17-2019, 1:25 PM
Dan, where at in Maryland? I'm in Cockeysville, north of Shawan Rd and 83. If not to far you're welcome to stop by and try out some planes and see what you think.

Brian :)

Brian Hale
04-17-2019, 1:31 PM
I may even have a plane you can take home with you ;)

Jim Koepke
04-17-2019, 1:33 PM
Dan, where at in Maryland? I'm in Cockeysville, north of Shawan Rd and 83. If not to far you're welcome to stop by and try out some planes and see what you think.

Brian :)

I may even have a plane you can take home with you ;)


How could one resist?


Brian Hale
04-17-2019, 1:53 PM
I've been told i have to many planes... :rolleyes:

Jim Koepke
04-17-2019, 2:26 PM
I've been told i have to many planes... :rolleyes:

My way of knowing there are too many planes is when there isn't a place to set them down. My accumulation is at this point. There are a few planes on my too be sold list for this summer.

It is difficult for me to sell a plane when there is not immediate use for the money.


steven c newman
04-17-2019, 3:14 PM
Perhaps, IF you can find a #5-1/4 sized plane....light, handy, and usually only 11" long....with a #3 sized iron. I have been using both a Stanley #3c, and a Millers Falls #11 for a lot of the smaller stuff I am working on now....
Millers Falls #11 ( Junior Jack) trimming some Ash...
The Stanley #3c, Type 11/12, with a SW iron....

Nicholas Lawrence
04-17-2019, 4:17 PM
I am in Northern Virginia. No free planes, but could spare an hour to let you try some if it would be of help. No Lee Valley or Lie Nielsen. Stanley style smoother, jack, jointer, and some double iron wooden planes.

Dan, where at in Maryland? I'm in Cockeysville, north of Shawan Rd and 83. If not to far you're welcome to stop by and try out some planes and see what you think.

Brian :)

Dan Gaylin
04-17-2019, 6:02 PM

Glad to be in good company with your niece. I have thought of the 2x thing and thus having a longer/bigger board and will do that whenever possible. But it is not always possible depending on the board.


That is a super nice offer and I do appreciate it. I’m not so far and not so close.

Nicholas same thing. I’m in Kensington.

I think I will get the jack plane and get some experience with it. Seems highly versatile so I can use it on other projects. Then if I run into any trouble I will reach back out to you guys.
