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Jim Koepke
04-11-2019, 8:59 AM
We do not have cell phones and we definitely will not pay to have 'Big Brother' in our home:

The workers who review Alexa clips are searching for terms like "Taylor Swift," hoping to help Alexa get better at understanding that users are referring to the singer, according to the Bloomberg report. But they also sometimes hear private or even disturbing audio, as well as recordings that weren't triggered by Alexa's wake word.


Does it make one paranoid if they really are listening?


Matt Day
04-11-2019, 9:19 AM
Nope, not paranoid at all. Of course they listen, that what Alexa does. And yes I understand that amazon reviews some of what is recorded to improve the device.

Clearly some people are paranoid, which could be why they don’t have cell phones or smart speakers.

Rod Sheridan
04-11-2019, 9:27 AM
Jim, I don't think it makes people paranoid, their view of the world makes them paranoid.

I have a cell phone, everyone I know has one, very few have a land line any longer.

No, I don't have Alexa, probably never will, simply because I'm not interested in that sort of technology..........You and I are here, our conversation being recorded and viewed by anyone, which we have agreed to.

In my work, security checks are thorough and frequent, I'm extremely careful what I write on the internet, that doesn't make my paranoid, simply aware of the possible outcomes as far as my employment is concerned.

Regards, Rod.

Bill Dufour
04-11-2019, 9:44 AM
I would say over half the students at my highschool have taped over the camera lens on their laptops. They only cover the lens facing the keyboard. most do nothing about the one facing away.
Bill D

Bob Glenn
04-11-2019, 10:06 AM
I have read that the new flat screen tv's are listening also. Lot's of weird stuff being reported on the internet. True? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows. As far as cell phones go, I choose not to have a ball and chain.

Brian Tymchak
04-11-2019, 11:04 AM
Sorry, I'll never allow one of those devices in my home unless I can physically turn off the link back to the listening post, and verify it's not listening. There should be some sanctuary somewhere that I can speak without worrying about the consequence of what I say being put into the public realm. And laws recognize the home as that sanctuary.

Unfortunately, I suspect that in the very near future, health and home insurance companies are going to insist that there be an in-home monitor, to avoid paying huge premiums.

Nathan Johnson
04-11-2019, 12:22 PM
I have read that the new flat screen tv's are listening also. Lot's of weird stuff being reported on the internet. True? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows. As far as cell phones go, I choose not to have a ball and chain.

Yes, the TVs are listening.


Prashun Patel
04-11-2019, 12:37 PM
Even the Roomba listens


Chuck Wintle
04-11-2019, 1:27 PM
The new technology is increasingly able to snoop on citizens. If this alexa gadget can listen in to our conversations, read our email and etc. then the reason to be paranoid is well established then we should all be worried. Perhaps I have watched too many movies about governments surveillance and but the day may come when we will all be defacto prisoners and unable to have any degree of autonomy.

Michael Weber
04-11-2019, 1:54 PM
Just read this CNN Business report that Amazon employs people globally to listen in on what is said to Alexa. Links to the story. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/11/tech/amazon-alexa-listening/index.html

David Dockstader
04-11-2019, 2:34 PM
I just follow Will Rogers' suggestion:

Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.

Mark Blatter
04-11-2019, 3:06 PM
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.”
And just because you wear a tin foil hat doesn't mean they aren't listening to you. In today's world, every service like this is in fact listening, tracking and watching you. I said I would never have a 'speaker' like Alexis in my home, but then my son bought us a Google equivalent for Christmas. I would have liked to say no, but there it sits. Gets used about once a month. My guess is that it is always listening and I may try an experiment one of these days. Have a conversation about needing something odd and see if ads for it show up from Google.

We have, as a people and actually a world, given up our privacy without a shot being fired.