View Full Version : for those who missed the LV April 1 special

roger wiegand
04-06-2019, 7:05 PM
Still time to hop on this train!

https://mailchi.mp/lmii/the-new-lmi-hybrid-measuring-system?e=d362dbf299 (https://mailchi.mp/lmii/the-new-lmi-hybrid-measuring-system?e=d362dbf299)

Tom M King
04-06-2019, 7:08 PM
That's hilarious. 2.19 = 2 inches plus 19mm.

Derek Cohen
04-06-2019, 9:52 PM
You know, that is not so crazy! Having grown up with both Imperial and Metric, that is what I tend do. I often switch between the two mediums according to whichever is easier to measure exactly or easier to visualise. Inches are easier to grasp for larger units, but mm are easier to measure and add to in the smaller units.

Regards from Perth


Bill Jobe
04-07-2019, 10:36 AM
No matter how much, how often I try to use metric....I even have metric calipers...I still think in inches.
The US should have long ago made a HARD turn to metric instead of nickle and diming us into stupidity.
I was in charge of hardware back when I worked in the shop.
You just ought (sp) ,to see the incredible mish-mosh of metric/sae on a modern combine.

Yonak Hawkins
04-07-2019, 11:30 AM
The US should have long ago made a HARD turn to metric

Yes. I've always thought that this is the main thing that doomed President Carter's tenure .. he didn't press for the metric system hard enough.

roger wiegand
04-07-2019, 12:37 PM
I remember the day in middle school when they told us about the metric system. It was OMG, why have they been torturing us with this nonsensical mishmash of measurements while they had this sensible and easy to use system hidden away all this time?? At least when they made us do calculations in Roman numerals they didn't hide the better option!