View Full Version : A Gloat that warms the heart

Ken Fitzgerald
12-07-2005, 10:19 PM
and other body parts!

My wife decided she didn't want another month of super high electric bills so she gave me my Christmas present early!

Late yesterday afternoon I got a call. I quickly drove to HD and got a single outlet with one plugin and a gallon of PVA. I drove home; installed the outlet: caulked some gaps. This morning about 6:00 I quickly painted PVA on the corner where the furnace was going. As of about 3:00 pm today my shop and I are the proud owners of a Lennox 75000 btu natural gas furnace! It keeps it toasty warm so far! And unlike those 2 little 1500 watt electric heaters I was using, this thing cylces on.......then off..........and when necessary it repeats the process.

An aging man likes warmth!

Bernie Weishapl
12-07-2005, 10:24 PM
Ken great gloat. Nothing like heat for the old bones. Enjoy and make some sawdust now.

Frank Pellow
12-07-2005, 10:32 PM
WOW Ken, that's twice the output of my propane Empire space heater and mine can generate a lot of heat

You are going to be really warm :) (but, with the cost of energy these days, but I hope not broke :( ).

Ken Fitzgerald
12-07-2005, 10:35 PM
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I can't figure out why I am unable to post a photo. It's a jpg file at 47kb.........shouldn't be a problem? It say it is in the process of attaching but when I close the window it isn't there? Help!

Bruce Shiverdecker
12-07-2005, 11:09 PM
Nice to be Toasty, ain't it, Ken.

Just GOT TO LOVE these gals we married!


Jim Dannels
12-07-2005, 11:41 PM
GRRR I`m Jealous! I too have 2 1500 watt heaters and since it`s been single digit down to -7 I have not been in the shop fpr a week.
Glad to see you got your problem in hand.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-07-2005, 11:44 PM
We're not at negative single digits yet but we've had some teens. Those poor little heater weren't shutting off very often. But they kept the shop warm enough I've worked out there everyday this week in short sleeves.

I'll post photos as soon as I can find out why the upload fails.....Grrrrrr

Steve Stube
12-08-2005, 12:21 AM
Wow Ken, that should be enough Btu's to create sauna conditions.

I can't help it, I just get tingles all over when I walk into my 24/7 heated shop in this weather after the brisk 30 second walk from the house with snow crunching under each footstep. Heat is so good - till summertime.

Dev Emch
12-08-2005, 1:03 AM
Good Choice....

Work has not been going very quickly on my end. Last night, I had to go out and tap the thermometer.... Did I really read this right?

T W E N T Y D E G R E E S B E L O W Z E R O (F).........

Now I like a tad of snow like everyone else, but this is ridiculous... I have body parts freezing i didnt know existed!

So I gather that these two 1500 watt electric heaters were forcing the old electric bill up. Mind I ask how much? Just wondering. I am using my two right now to take the chill off my mother's room. Being an older person, they like it a bit warmer.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-08-2005, 8:43 AM

Near as we can figure just using them for a couple of weeks last month increased our electric bill by over $50. But they weren't on all month and it wasn't really that cold last month.

Here's the proof!

John Miliunas
12-08-2005, 9:31 AM
75K???? Yup, that oughta' keep you nice and toasty!!!:D Hey, if you don't already, I'll bet that puppy has the ability for an external thermostat. I put one on my Hot Dawg with the programmable stuff on it. Works super! Cranks back at night, kicks on about the same time I leave work, so by the time I get home and get in the shop, it's nice and toasty!:) Congrats.... Definitely a worthy gloat!!!:) :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
12-08-2005, 9:50 AM
Thanks for the posting help John! Yup...it should stay warm.....I actually turned the temperature down last night because with the btu capability it has, it doesnt' take it long to warm the entire shop up. With the electric heaters I've been using for the past month .....they worked their little "heaters" off just to maintain a constant temperature. I have a thermostat....not a programmable one but I'll install one in the near future. I'm actually pretty warm-blooded. My neighbors can't believe I run around in t-shirts outside when they are wearing light jackets.

Now back to mudding.......Yes Frank...I should have listened!

Carl Eyman
12-08-2005, 9:56 AM
A year ago we were paying about $0.075 per Kwhr for Juice. Last month with the new fuel adjustment it was $0.135. We heat the house (condo) with electrity. I may have to turn of my computer to keep the electric bill manageable.

Ed Lang
12-08-2005, 9:59 AM
I am sure you will enjoy that heater. I installed mine a couple of months ago to replace the old thru the wall heater I had for about 15 years. I like having it up and out of the way. I was able to use my old thermostat so that is nice.

Mine is LPG not natural gas.

Glad you got it before Christmas Day!

John Gregory
12-08-2005, 10:08 AM
When we built our shop 3 years ago, I bought a Hot Dawg, propane. I use tanks since running a gas line was too costly. I love it!! I did put in a programable thermostat so the it will shut back to 50* at 10 pm each night in case I forget to do that. As a hobbist, I am not in the shop everyday. Once, the first winter I had the shop, I left the heat on for 4 days:eek: Hence the reason for the programable thermostat. I feel badly for those that do not have a warm shop to work in. I am glad Ken can be warm while enjoying his work.


Kelly C. Hanna
12-08-2005, 10:42 AM
Wow...nice gift! I am using one of those piddly 1500 watt heaters right now to try and get the 22* shop a little warmer. I need to get some things done out there!

Rick Schubert
12-08-2005, 11:40 AM
Carl, It always sounds funny to us to hear people in the deep South talking about heating bills! :-) I'm sure it sounds equally bizzare when we complain about AC costs.


Bruce Page
12-08-2005, 1:32 PM
Congrats Ken, winter time heat is a good thing!

Corey Hallagan
12-08-2005, 7:12 PM
Congrats Ken! Enjoy the warmth of the season :)


Jim Becker
12-08-2005, 8:51 PM
Now, that's an excellent gloat!!