View Full Version : Trying to get a reasonable price point.

Steven Green
03-26-2019, 1:40 PM
I'm looking at a Jet 1642 old style lathe and having trouble figuring out a good price for it. It's in good shape, no rust and everything lines up the way it should. Any ideas on what it might be worth with the two original tool rests and nothing else?

Ed Davidson
03-26-2019, 4:53 PM
Here's a 2009 thread on the same subject: https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?119676-Value-of-a-used-Jet-1642-Lathe

John K Jordan
03-26-2019, 7:05 PM
I'm looking at a Jet 1642 old style lathe and having trouble figuring out a good price for it. It's in good shape, no rust and everything lines up the way it should. Any ideas on what it might be worth with the two original tool rests and nothing else?

If it has all the original pieces it should come with
- one cast iron tool rest (12" I think),
- Oneway clone live center and locking bar,
- spur drive center,
- knockout bar,
- face plate, faceplate bar,
- indexing pin,
- guard,
- basket,
- two pins to limit the movement of the headstock and tailstock at the ends,
- four leveling feet,
- and owner's manual.
The banjo should work smoothly and the quill should advance and retract smoothly with no slop. Plug it in and turn it on and make sure the controls and speed display works. Listen for noisy bearings. Put the centers in the head and tailstock and make sure they seat well with no detectable damage to the tapers.

I have no idea what the current reasonable price is, especially since the lathe is not being sold (I think) since Jet released their upgraded model. I paid $1600 for a used one with all the components but that was probably 5 years ago. The 230v version is less common than the 115v version and may be worth more since it has a bigger motor.

Is the owner asking you to make an offer? I already have two of those and three other lathes but if I didn't I'd probably offer $1000-1200 or so if it had all the parts it came with. If they don't like that price they'll tell you. It is a fantastic lathe for both large and small work. Our club in Knoxville has one and I see them often in clubs when I travel to demo. Since the lathe has a 1-1/4"x8 spindle and 1" tool post most of the better chucks and tool rests and accessories will work.


Dan Bevilacqua
03-26-2019, 8:09 PM
No idea as to the value of the 1642; however, you may be able to use the price of the newer model 1640evs as a guideline. A brand new 1640evs is currently $2300.00 regular price; but, it often comes on sale for 10% off with free shipping, or sometimes even 15% off with free shipping.

Brice Rogers
03-26-2019, 11:00 PM
Does the 1642 have electronic speed control? or are the speeds determined by belt position and/or sheaves?

Richard Coers
03-26-2019, 11:16 PM
I've seen 3 machines sell, 1 1/2hp versions selling for $1,000. I bought one of them.

John K Jordan
03-27-2019, 8:48 AM
Does the 1642 have electronic speed control? or are the speeds determined by belt position and/or sheaves?

The Jet 1642 uses a Delta VFD for speed, wired identically to the larger PM3520b. They both have pulleys to manually set to a high or low range (about 3000 or 1500 or so). The two lathes look like brothers; even the controls are identical but in slightly different places.



Reed Gray
03-27-2019, 11:48 AM
Can't remember, but think they were 1 1/2 hp on 110 current and 2 hp on 220 current. That might make a difference in price...

robo hippy

Joe Frank Porter
03-27-2019, 2:29 PM
If it's the old style, it would have the Reeves Pulley System. They still make and sell that model, I believe i saw a new one recently.

Maybe it's the 1440 I'm thinking of

Richard Coers
03-27-2019, 10:29 PM
If it's the old style, it would have the Reeves Pulley System. They still make and sell that model, I believe i saw a new one recently.

Maybe it's the 1440 I'm thinking of

There was never a 1642 with reeves drive.

Ricc Havens
03-28-2019, 9:34 AM
there is a discussion on a facebook woodturning group yesterday where a guy named George states he has an opportunity to buy the 1.5hp version for $1100 and asks the group if that's a good price. all the replies are saying that's a good price. One guy replied that he bought the 2hp model a few years ago used with a bunch of accessories for $2000. So maybe that will help with your decision.

I have the 2hp model I bought new 8-9yrs ago for around $2200 (before all the increase in raw steel prices) and have had no problems with it. I think it's a great lathe.

Good luck with whatever your decide!