View Full Version : Help With Pricing Norris Plane

Frank Drackman
03-25-2019, 7:28 AM
Please free to move or delete this post if it is inappropriate.

I could use some help pricing a Norris smoothing plane. In the past I was primarily a hand tool guy but as the symptoms of my muscular dystrophy have increased my ability to control tools have diminished. I have been selling tools in out classified section with great results. I offer the tool at a decent price and other members have quickly purchased them.

Most of the previous tools have been from Lie-Nielsen and since they were still hade it was easy to set a price. I have a smoother that I acquired from Garrett Hack twenty years ago. I used it daily for many years and when getting ready to sell a friend pointed out that it is a Norris and probably had collector value. I know nothing about collecting tools so I home that someone here might have some knowledge to share. Attached are two pictures.

Thanks - Frank


Charles Bjorgen
03-25-2019, 8:58 AM
Condition, condition, condition!

Hi Frank — I’m definitely not an expert on infills but recently made a dent in that market. Looking at your photos I would suggest that you have a decent user. There seems to be a difference in desirability between prewar and postwar models. Prewar will probably have a rosewood infill. Postwar mostly likely beech. Also what model do you have? A5, A6 or another model. I like to follow the prices of these planes on eBay and see them ranging from $250 to $500, again depending on condition. Here’s a link on Norris plane dating that might help:


If your main goal is to move the plane try offering it here for the lower price range. Hope this helps a bit.

Frank Drackman
03-25-2019, 11:17 AM
Thanks for the information. Based on the pictures I have an A5 - Post war model. I didn't even know that there were models, I just used it.

Condition, condition, condition!

Hi Frank — I’m definitely not an expert on infills but recently made a dent in that market. Looking at your photos I would suggest that you have a decent user. There seems to be a difference in desirability between prewar and postwar models. Prewar will probably have a rosewood infill. Postwar mostly likely beech. Also what model do you have? A5, A6 or another model. I like to follow the prices of these planes on eBay and see them ranging from $250 to $500, again depending on condition. Here’s a link on Norris plane dating that might help:


If your main goal is to move the plane try offering it here for the lower price range. Hope this helps a bit.

Bill Houghton
03-25-2019, 12:08 PM
Look at completed sales on eBay and other online sites as a guide to pricing. Then consider adding "...or best reasonable offer..." as part of your ad.

Sorry to hear that your body is betraying you.

Frank Drackman
03-25-2019, 4:48 PM
Thanks for the kind words Bill. It seems we all have issues with our bodies wearing out as we age, my issue just has a name.

Look at completed sales on eBay and other online sites as a guide to pricing. Then consider adding "...or best reasonable offer..." as part of your ad.

Sorry to hear that your body is betraying you.