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Ron Ainge
12-07-2005, 5:04 PM
Last night the wood turning club that I belong to had there annual Christmas party. Each year they have an auction of pieces proviced by the club members and I gave a hollow form up for the auction. I was very happy that among the thirty or so pieces that were sold mine was sold for the third highest price. The two that out priced mine was a large platter that was one of the best I have ever seen and the other was a western hat that was turned by Soren Burger and he only beat me by four bucks. It is nice to get that type of recognition form people that can turn that same item for themselfs. I left the party with a big smile on my face.

Keith Burns
12-07-2005, 5:12 PM
Cool, it's always nice to to get afirmation from your piers.:) :)

Ernie Nyvall
12-07-2005, 7:11 PM
I'll bet you did Ron. Congrats!!


John Hart
12-07-2005, 7:26 PM
Very Cool Ron...Congratulations!!:) :)

John Miliunas
12-07-2005, 8:11 PM
Way to go, Ron! Says a LOT about the quality and style of your work, which we've had the pleasure of seeing, as well! Sounds like the turning club members have good taste, too!:D :cool:

Ron Ainge
12-08-2005, 9:07 AM
Thanks for the kind words form everyone. It does make you feel good when your peers appreciate your work.

Keith Christopher
12-08-2005, 10:37 AM
Congrats !!!! That is such a great feeling I bet.