View Full Version : What is your biggest fear?

Larry Edgerton
03-21-2019, 8:05 AM
I just got back from NC, my best friend and a fellow I worked with for years had an aneurysm that caused a stroke and is now laying in ICU with no control. He is aware of what is going on but has limited ways to respond. this has always been my biggest fear. I am not afraid to die, but this scares me. As I was by his side talking to him I had to look at what I am most afraid of, and it is terrifying. I could see that he was terrified, but there was absolutely nothing I could do.


They are doing an operation today to repair the aneurysm, and if that goes well there is a chance that he can regain some ability but will be paralyzed on one side. He is the best of men, love him like a brother and would trade places with him in a heatbeat if I could. He has a wonderful family and is a great son/husband/father/grandfather as well as an amazing woodworker. So very sad.

If you are having a bad day, just imagine this, and you will just carry on.

Thanks for listening.

Matt Day
03-21-2019, 8:11 AM
Thanks for sharing. So sad about your friend.

Growing up I used to think that loosing my eyesight would be the worst, but loosing my memory would be right up there. My mom has been loosing her short term memory and it’s been tough. What your friend has is probabaly the worst.

Rod Sheridan
03-21-2019, 8:21 AM
So sorry to hear about your friend Larry, hopefully his condition improves..............Regards, Rod.

Mark Hennebury
03-21-2019, 8:55 AM
Sorry to hear about your friend; I hope that the surgery goes well, and wish him all the best.

My sister had a brain aneurysm and died before she made it to the hospital.

I think that being incapacitated would be the worst thing to happen.

I recently had Amuaurosis fugax which is the temporary loss of vision in one eye and is an indicator of potential for stroke, so that looms large on my horizon for sure.

Jerome Stanek
03-21-2019, 10:46 AM
Both my sister in law and her husband had an aneurysm in their brain and had limited mobility and both of them came out of the surgery and with PT they have regained it all back

Bob Glenn
03-21-2019, 10:59 AM
On a lighter note, my biggest fear is that after I die, my wife will sell my tools for what I told her I paid for them.

Seriously though, I used say the only thing I feared was alzhimers, which my dad died from. However, a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in 2015 changed all that. I was lucky that they caught it at stage two and were able to surgically remove the tumor before it had a chance to spread. Most die of this cancer with in a year. I had a small tumor come back at the surgical site last year, but currently I am cancer free.

Some how, it has changed my life for the better. I no longer take things for granted. Every day is a gift and I don't waste any of them. Probably too much information, but then again, you asked.

Osvaldo Cristo
03-21-2019, 12:19 PM
I am really sorry for your friend as well his family and friends. I pray for comfort to all of your hearts.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-21-2019, 12:49 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend Larry!

I watched a friend die of ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. I pray I will never be like your friend or my friend. Sadly, we have little input.

My sympathy goes out to your friend, his family and you!

Ron Citerone
03-21-2019, 1:36 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend, Hope he gets the bet of all possible outcomes.

My biggest fear is that something would happen to one of my kids. For me, I have had a great life at 60 and so much better than many who checked out way too early. At this point, for me, everyday is another cherry on top!

Jim Koepke
03-21-2019, 2:11 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend.

We never know what is next in life.

Hope, prayers and light for your friend and family.


Rick Potter
03-21-2019, 3:44 PM
My mom had alzheimer's. I still tear up when I think of those few, brief, moments of lucidity, when she knew there was something wrong with her.

At 76, I think my greatest fear is becoming a burden to my family. I resolved years ago to try to grow old gracefully, accepting help when offered, and realizing my limitations.

Jim Falsetti
03-21-2019, 4:59 PM
Larry, loss of movement and brain damage are indeed huge fears for many of us. My mother had a stroke (at what I now consider a very young age) and got way better mobility, with a partial paralysis on one side, but unfortunately her speech never fully recovered. Very sad when I think about it.

Like others have said, we will eventually realize every day is a gift.

We wish your friend a rapid and good recovery.


Kev Williams
03-21-2019, 6:42 PM
Sorry about your friend, hope time and therapy helps...

3 years ago my wife had a spontaneous subarachnoid brain hemorrhage. Since she suffers from sometimes debilitating migraines, we both thought she was just having 'a bad one'. After 2 days we decided to hit the emergency room. She spent 11 days in ICU and endured 2 angiograms and a lumbar puncture. Docs were puzzled because she suffered no head trauma or severe stress that usually precedes brain bleeds, and they never did find a source of the bleed, which to this day is still disconcerting. Aside from surviving, she's also suffered no after-effects, she's one of the lucky ones (as am I)...

Dan Hall
03-21-2019, 6:45 PM
That my marbles roll away before my body gives up. On the other hand I hope that when I die my friends all say; "hey, he was supposed to pay for lunch this week".

Steve Rozmiarek
03-22-2019, 9:00 AM
Sorry to hear about your friend Larry, I hope all goes well. Hearing of something like this happening helps put the fragile gift of life back into perspective.

Jim Becker
03-22-2019, 9:07 AM
Very sad to learn about your friend, Larry. I think you hit the nail squarely..."going suddenly" is one thing because there can be closure for all, but becoming unable to function/communicate while still being aware is a very scary thing.

Rod Sheridan
03-25-2019, 8:30 AM
My mom had alzheimer's. I still tear up when I think of those few, brief, moments of lucidity, when she knew there was something wrong with her.

At 76, I think my greatest fear is becoming a burden to my family. I resolved years ago to try to grow old gracefully, accepting help when offered, and realizing my limitations.

You're a smart man Rick...............Regards, Rod.

roger wiegand
03-25-2019, 8:36 AM
Sorry for your friend and hoping for the best.

My biggest fear is having something bad happen to one of my kids. Whatever happens to me I know that, ultimately, I won't get through it. Such is life.

Lisa Starr
03-25-2019, 2:24 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully, the surgery will help and he'll regain at least some of his independence. I, like so many others, never gave much thought to my daily life. Now, after being diagnosed with a very aggressive form of lymphoma, I feel differently. Thankfully, after 3 different courses of chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant, I'm in remission. Of course, I will never, ever take another day of life for granted. I'm very limited, as I fatigue easily, but every day I can spend some time in my workshop is a blessing. Yes, projects take a long time when you only spend 1 or 2 hours a day working on them, but the completion is only half the enjoyment. It is the process that I've come to value.

miki samor
03-26-2019, 2:58 AM
hard to say, maybe to lose someones

Curt Harms
03-26-2019, 6:50 AM
Sorry to hear about your friend Larry!

I watched a friend die of ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. I pray I will never be like your friend or my friend. Sadly, we have little input.

My sympathy goes out to your friend, his family and you!

That has to be near the top of the list of ways I don't want to go. I hope Larry's friend responds to PT, things often turn out better than forecast.

Jim Andrew
03-27-2019, 9:52 PM
This is a tough subject. My dad and his dad both died of cancer, and both were 2 years older than I am now. But what happened a few days ago was worse, my neighbors son was killed in a tractor accident. Would be hard to outlive your son.

Myk Rian
03-28-2019, 10:39 AM
Would be hard to outlive your son.
It is. A parents worse nightmare is burying a child. We've been there.