View Full Version : cover for turning tools

Brian Deakin
03-15-2019, 3:29 PM
I have seen many people use lengths of plastic pipe for a protective cover for turning tools When I was in the garage I came up with this idea l
Use a section of old bicycle inner tube and seal the end with epoxy glue.


tom lucas
03-15-2019, 5:23 PM
You can do the same with plastic pipe by just heating the end and squeezing it shut. I haven't done anything yet myself except for using the tubes that the tools come in.

John K Jordan
03-15-2019, 8:23 PM
I have seen many people use lengths of plastic pipe for a protective cover for turning tools When I was in the garage I came up with this idea l
Use a section of old bicycle inner tube and seal the end with epoxy glue.

That's a nice idea. Seems like that would work to protect other things too. I didn't know epoxy would stick to rubber tubing; I've seen superglue used.

I just now packed up tools to take to a demo tomorrow. I use tubes but with clear flexible plastic tubing instead. I went to the hardware store once and bought a length of every size they carried - I can almost always find one that is just the right ID for a short piece to fit snugly on the working end even without closing the tube, but I have softened the ends of some with a heat gun and squeezed them together with pliers. I don't need to protect some tool ends due to the way I carry them but the Hunter tools ALWAYS get covered. I used to use small blocks of closed-cell foam and just poke the sharp end into the foam. Worked but was kind of bulky.