View Full Version : Pen drilling problem?

Kirk (KC) Constable
12-07-2005, 4:05 AM
I'm drilling a large hole (cap for Jr rollerball/fountain) quite nicely in straight grained mesquite and stabilized blanks. I have some cherry burl, and some very figured mesquite that simply won't drill. The middle of the hole is absolutely tight, though the size is right at both ends. I suspect it may have to do with the bit 'following' the grain somewhat. Turning the blank end for end and redrilling doesn't fix the problem. This bit is NOT a brad point, but it is the 'high quality' bit sold by Craft Supplies. The smaller bit, which IS a brad point, cuts a perfectly fine hole in the same material. I'm using a good drill press vice, bolted to the table...the blank isn't moving around. I also make sure that the ends are both square prior to drilling because I know unsquare can cause wandering. More frustrating than anything else...I certainly have plenty of mesquite. :D



Mike Wenzloff
12-07-2005, 4:27 AM
Hi Kirk,

fwiw, I've had some blanks that simply would not drill true no matter the bit. And like yours, it was the center that was off. What I did was use a round chainsaw file and carefully eased the center. It only took a minute or so per blank until the tube fit easily. I just held the blank in one hand and while twisting it, ran the file back and forth.

Take care, Mike

John Hart
12-07-2005, 8:20 AM
Hey KC....Yup...me too. Sometimes I file it a little like Mike points out....sometimes I just press harder on the tube to force it through (though, I don't think that's a good idea).:o

Dave Bonde
12-07-2005, 9:21 AM
I also have had that same problem - my solution was the same as John"s - force it through:eek: . Another problem with some of the Gentleman and Jr kits I have had is when pressing the parts togethers some of them were a very tight fit and I split a couple of pens:mad: usually it was the insert that is the threaded part that holds the ink. I started sanding the inside if the brass tube a little and that has helped. Dave

Brian Austin
12-07-2005, 10:08 AM
If wandering is an issue, why don't you use the brad point to drill a pilot hole and finish up with the right size bit? The pilot hole should keep it fairly straight.

Blake McCully
12-07-2005, 10:12 AM
Ditto on the same problem, only mine was with the Gent's to barrel. I got my stuff from BB at Az Sil. That was when he was reselling for CSUSA. Apparently a lot of folks had the same problem, so CSUSA started selling bits that were slightly larger than the original. That solved the problem. Before I got the new bit, I would let the drilled blank sit over night so it would cool and the wood would stabilize a little, then ran the bit through again. That seemed to work, but then I would use gorilla glue instead of CA since the tubes were still a little snug. At least with gorilla glue, you have time to mess with the tube before it starts to set up.

Hope this helps. I've never done the juniors but you may want to go onto CSUSA web site and look under new products. That was were I found the new bit for the Gent's pens since it wasn't listed in the regular catalogue section.

Jason Christenson
12-07-2005, 10:23 AM
My solution is to force the issue until I either bend the tube or split the blank...then I throw things!

Brian, what kind of cigar is that? --->27136 Just curious.

Brian Austin
12-07-2005, 10:36 AM
Brian, what kind of cigar is that? Just curious.
Heh, it's not a cigar. It's the microphone on my pilot headset. That was taken when I was flying. ;)

Jason Christenson
12-07-2005, 10:40 AM

Dave Smith
12-07-2005, 12:17 PM
Hi KC,

I had a heck of a time drilling the top blank for an El Grande pen. I had a brand new drill bit and I could only drill 1 out of 4 cocobolo blanks that didn't split. The lower pen blank was a smaller diameter hole and no problem to drill.

Normally I buy used drill bits and sharpen them on my Drill Dr. That was what I did for the smaller drill bit but I couldn't find a used drill bit for the larger odd ball size so I payed about $25 for a new one. By now you probably guessed that the new drill was not sharp enough for drill pen blanks. After using the Drill Doctor there are no more problems.

Dave Smth

Sharp tools, what a concept in Longview, WA.