View Full Version : IR Compressor maintenance issues

Keith Downing
03-01-2019, 1:48 PM
Had our 60 Gallon IR compressor plumbed in just over 4 years now. Used on a regular basis but not daily / commercially. Change the oil regularly and keep the belt tension correct. Other than that all we've done for maintenance is drain as required.

Lately I've started noticing what looks like oil leaking out the side of the housing on the left side. Cleaned up a couple weeks ago and even more is back now. Is there a seal or gasket we need to replace there? Or is something else causing this?

Picture attached:


Ken Fitzgerald
03-01-2019, 2:06 PM
Keith, is there something with oil mounted directly above the motor? The oil leaks appear to align perfectly with 2 of the 3 screws holding the cover for what I suspect is the motor start/run capacitor. Is there oil on top the black cylindrical cover? If not, I'd say the capacitor under the cover is leaking dielectric. If it's oily on top the cover, I'd look for something leaking above or to the side of the cover the cover.

Keith Downing
03-01-2019, 2:23 PM
Thanks for the response Ken.

I don't see anything above that area of the motor that could be leaking. The fluid does seem to be coming out of the screws holding that cover. I'm afraid my knowledge is a little deficient in this area. So you think this is a part that will need to be replaced? Is there any reason it wouldn't be safe for me to take off that cover and investigate? I'll attach a couple more pictures that will hopefully give you a better picture of what is going on.


Ken Fitzgerald
03-01-2019, 2:55 PM
Keith, if the top of that cover doesn't have oil on it, most likely the dielectric is leaking from the capacitor under there. The extra photos you posted show an apparent separate start capacitor and a separate run capacitor. Yes, once electrolytic capacitors start leaking, they generally go bad. I would disconnect power to that compressor, remove that cover and verify if that is where the oil is originating. Be careful not to touch the leads on the capacitor to prevent getting shocked.

You often will see them leaking near an end and sometimes the can will be swollen, malformed.

Greg R Bradley
03-01-2019, 3:28 PM
Ken nailed it.
Unless there is something with oil in it ABOVE the compressor, there really aren't any other possibilities. Remove the cover and replace the start or run capacitor.

Keith Downing
03-01-2019, 3:33 PM
Thanks guys, I'll get with an IR supplier and try to identify that part.

Tom M King
03-01-2019, 3:50 PM
There looks to be a couple of streaks running down the motor label too, also below the capacitor cover. If you have to buy a capacitor, it will be cheaper from a motor repair place, than from IR.

Rollie Meyers
03-02-2019, 10:40 AM
Thanks guys, I'll get with an IR supplier and try to identify that part.

Why go to a IR supplier when all you need is the info off the cap and get one without paying IR's markup.

Jerome Stanek
03-02-2019, 1:56 PM
Check out Mcmaster Carr once you get the info off the capacitor

Keith Downing
03-02-2019, 2:04 PM
Thanks guys. Didn't know they were that common.

I'll definitely buy from a secondary source and save the $$$. Appreciate the tips.

Bill Dufour
03-02-2019, 3:45 PM
Check Ebay. The voltage rating needs to be at least 340 if you are running single phase 240. The higher the better. Keep the MFD rating within 10-20% of the original.
Bil lD.

Marc Jeske
03-03-2019, 4:07 PM
Bring cap to motor repair shop in your area.

Will be a few bucks more than online, but wayy less aggravation for you.

Read this about discharging cap before you "go in"


https://www.google.com/search?ei=ekF8XLm8Gsat_QaI5YCADg&q=discharging+motor+capacitor&oq=discharging+motor+capacitor&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i7i30j0i8i30l2.7043.7043..7783...0.0..0.107 .107.0j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71.sRgdkZW7MPA

Marc Jeske
03-03-2019, 4:10 PM
This place looks awesome - Before driving.. call them w your old cap in hand.



Bill Dufour
03-03-2019, 4:12 PM
If you are lucky it will be spade connections. Do not worry about polarity since it is ac. The two wires can go either way onto the cap.
Bill D.