View Full Version : Some shop safety advise.

Forrest Price
12-06-2005, 11:33 AM
I've posted my story in the "Turnings" forum for those interested. This is just an awareness post.

PLEASE EVERYONE LISTEN UP: we always hear about these things, myself included. I too had an "it won't happen to me" attitude.

Please check your extinguishers, and make sure you have a BIG one, or even two. It's a horrible feeling to be gaining on a small fire to only run out of spray, then watch it get huge.

If you live in cold climates, (we're in Lewiston, Idaho)put in freeze proof faucets. I could have stopped this at the dog kennel had I just had some water.

Have a plan in place for your family members, and review it monthly with them. Make sure you have a meet place if needed. I have 2 kids. My daughter is 17, son is 14. they were awesome that night. No real panic. Zac took care of the dogs, Nicole called 911 (I already had, but she was on it too) Kids knew what to do, and everyone stayed safe.

Go over your insurance with your agent. review it, ask questions, update any new purchases or add-ons. Just go thru it and make sure all is right with the world.

No need to reply here. Just PLEASE take this information to heart.

Don't let this happen to you

Tyler Howell
12-06-2005, 11:38 AM
Thanks Forrest,
It is too bad we learn these lessons from the misfortunes of others, but I went down the list as you were checking them off and I pass.
Speedy recovery

Bernie Weishapl
12-06-2005, 12:11 PM
Forrest, I posted in the turners section but will here again. I went down yesterday to my insurance agent and we got my insurance figured out for everything. I am glad I did. The LOML and I went over a plan of action in case this should ever happen. It is to bad that we do this only after these things happen to fellow friends and neighbors.:mad: I am sorry for your loss but glad everyone is ok. You will be in our prayers here for a speedy recovery and be better than before. Take care Forrest.

Jim Becker
12-06-2005, 12:31 PM
The "back pages" article in the latest issue of Fine Woodworking (Tools and Shops 2006) talks about insurance coverage and is useful to the spirit of this thread, too.

Steve Stube
12-06-2005, 12:59 PM
Hi Forrest, I was going to give an update yesterday on my friend's progress since his shop burned but I read your account on the Turners forum and got totally bummed out about your loss. Here is the thread


You make some very good points for us all to consider (I know I need to adjust my coverage) and I am working to improve my own protection against such a loss. Your attitude and desire to do things right as an example for your children will pay dividends. God bless you and your family as you recover from this ordeal.