View Full Version : What do i have here?

Robert Flowers
02-23-2019, 9:12 PM
I picked this up at the MWTC tool meet in Madison,Ga a few weeks ago. Don't thank its 45 maybe a 46 or 47? the arms screw into the plane. On the skate it says Stanley Rule with a large C and a small o at the top right side of the C, it has a floral design on the body. Any ideas?

Robert Flowers

Kurtis Johnson
02-23-2019, 11:59 PM
I think Patrick Leach shows a picture of your model 45 at http://www.supertool.com/StanleyBG/stan6.htm. And "The oldest models have their arms threaded into the main stock, whereas those produced after ca. 1900 slide through the main stock."

Stew Denton
02-24-2019, 12:16 AM
I also think you have a Stanley 45. The photo matches one from the link below. It is a type 7B, 1897.



Jim Koepke
02-24-2019, 12:58 AM
It is a Stanley #45. With the knob on the front and a blade adjuster it can only be a type 5 or 6. The type 5 didn't have rosewood on the fence, the type 6 did have the strip of rosewood on the fence.

Type 7 #45s used screws to secure the rods instead of the rods threading into the body.


Stew Denton
02-24-2019, 3:49 PM

Yep, I agree. Kurtis, good points as well.


Jim Koepke
02-24-2019, 3:53 PM

It looks like a part of the plane is peaking into the edge of the images.

Do you have images of what all came with this plane?


Stew Denton
02-24-2019, 4:01 PM

To add to what Jim asked about the part poking into the image, does the heel of the handle curve under like some of the later ones, or does it curve out like some of the earlier ones? The image cuts off the heel of the handle.

Nice plane, and a neat find. Thanks for posting the photo.


Robert Flowers
02-25-2019, 9:07 PM
This is what came with the plane. paid 80.00 for everything.

steven c newman
02-25-2019, 11:16 PM
maybe build a box to house all those parts..

Jim Koepke
02-26-2019, 12:39 AM
This is what came with the plane. paid 80.00 for everything.

Did it include the wing nut that holds the slitter and the depth stop?


Robert Flowers
02-26-2019, 8:03 AM
(Jim) it didn't come with the wing nut,need to find one. (Steve) I need to build 3 boxes for my 45's
I guess i have become addicted to 45's like i have to block planes (I have a dozen) and #4 and #5 planes(too many to count)
Thanks for all the information
Robert Flowers

Jim Koepke
02-26-2019, 10:29 AM
(Jim) it didn't come with the wing nut, need to find one. [edited]
Thanks for all the information
Robert Flowers

Good luck, if my memory is working the threading is 1/4-28. Not a very common threading to find. Of course if you don't need the plane to use the slitter, then it isn't essential.
