View Full Version : Cyclone on for extended time >12 hours

Matthew Curtis
02-23-2019, 8:40 AM
My son turned my Clearview max on before going to bed last night. It ran untill 8:00 this morning. One blast gate was open.

Does anyone think I did any harm to the system?

Matt Day
02-23-2019, 8:45 AM
If it was still running at 8:00, I doubt any damage was done.

Malcolm McLeod
02-23-2019, 8:47 AM
My son turned my Clearview max on before going to bed last night. It ran untill 8:00 this morning. One blast gate was open.

Does anyone think I did any harm to the system?

Other than really clean air, I can't imagine any harm. The motor is rated for continuous duty, and since you had air flow there should have been no heat build-up that might impact filters. Just send your son a bill for the extra electricity..? ;)

Matthew Curtis
02-23-2019, 8:48 AM
I guess my shop air has been adequately filtered now

Jim Becker
02-23-2019, 1:10 PM
I have been running my cyclone for 6-8 hours a day lately with my CNC work. It doesn't even breath heavy. These motors actually like to run so I doubt you'll have any problem at all. One gate open provides a little bit of load. Totally closed makes it even easier on the motor...the least load of all.

Rod Sheridan
02-23-2019, 6:09 PM
The motor is rated for continuous duty, it will be just fine and is probably the first time it has been up to operating temperature.

In industry we often run motors for a year constantly without stopping except for annual maintenance...Rod

Jacques Gagnon
02-23-2019, 8:23 PM
No hard scientific data here; solely anecdotal.

I have a 5hp cyclone (single phase) that can be operated remotely. I used to have the system controlled by automatic switches (ie activated by the machine being used).

One day the motor died, after about 5 years of irregular use (hobby shop). Brought the patient to the clinic - diagnostic was overhaul. The technician told me that frequent starting on these motors is a pretty good recipe for reduced lifespan.

I am now starting the cyclone manually and avoid having to stop and start more than twice per hour. The patient seems to be doing fine. I realize this results in higher electricity consumption but it is probably the cost to pay for motor longevity.

Bottom line: Matthew I do not think you need to lose sleep over this😉.

John Kee
02-23-2019, 8:47 PM
The only harm will be to your electric bill, the other parts are designed for continuous use unless stated otherwise in the literature you received with the machine.

Jacques Gagnon
02-23-2019, 9:07 PM
Thanks John.