View Full Version : Workbench (PIC)

Brian Knop
07-03-2003, 11:16 PM
I finished my workbench at last. Used the plan from Woodsmith. Its made from red oak and beech. I would have used all beech, but a friend gave me a bunch of oak for free. Beech is nice, but free is better! Its not the biggest bench, but just right for my small shop. Never posted a picture before, so here goes.

Howard Barlow
07-04-2003, 12:31 AM

I guess your image is uploaded on a website somewhere, huh? It's got to be to show up here. If it is not, you can send it to me and I'll put it on my site. You can post it from there.


Tom Sweeney
07-04-2003, 8:42 AM
Your bench sounds great but the pic didn't work.

Like Howard said your picture needs to be hosted on a web site & then called using the img src HTML tag
{img src="http://www.yourwebsite.com/imagename.jpg"}
replace the {} with<>

or you can upload the image to SMC's server by using the manage attachments link at the bottom of the table when you make your post - next to Attach Files: just click the link & browse your hard drive to find the pic & upload it. Not sure if it still applies with the new software but don't preview your post after you upload your pic.

Like Howard said if you have any trouble send it to him or me & we'll host it for you or help you with the upload.