View Full Version : Feather

Peter Blair
02-20-2019, 9:48 AM
Here's a photo of a piece of Red Maple on which I burnt a feather. In the past I have carved many birds and burned and carved lots of feathers but hadn't tried it on a turned piece. Lately on Facebook there have been few great examples which got my juices flowing again. Couldn't decide if I should add two more feathers or not so I finished the way it is.

John K Jordan
02-20-2019, 10:21 AM
Here's a photo of a piece of Red Maple on which I burnt a feather. In the past I have carved many birds and burned and carved lots of feathers but hadn't tried it on a turned piece. Lately on Facebook there have been few great examples which got my juices flowing again. Couldn't decide if I should add two more feathers or not so I finished the way it is.

Beautifully detailed work!

As for feathers in the round, have you seen Jacques Vesery's work? He uses feather motifs quite a bit, here on pieces under Diversity and teapots and probably elsewhere. He tends to cover a surface with small feathers. https://www.jacquesvesery.com/www.jacquesvesery.com/Artwork.html I'm packaging up a box of peacock feathers to send.

Graeme Priddle recently showed me a carved feather an artist friend did. Incredible - it was so thin about half of it was air. I'll try to find a picture. I want to try that when I grow up.


Steve Eure
02-20-2019, 10:58 AM
Beautiful work Peter!
What pen tip did you use to accomplish such fine detail?

daryl moses
02-20-2019, 11:32 AM
Nice touch, I like that a lot!!

Peter Blair
02-20-2019, 11:43 AM
Yes John I have admired Jacques work but would hesitate to mention his name in relation to my work. Thanks for the kind thoughts and I too have burnt single feathers but they are soooo fragile.

Peter Blair
02-20-2019, 11:44 AM
Steve I made my own tip its just a piece of wire that I hammered flat and sharpened if you would like a photo I'd be happy to take one and post it.

John Keeton
02-20-2019, 3:28 PM
Well done, Pete! How do you feel about a bit of color? I use actual wild turkey feathers on some projects and I love their iridescence. I have thought about doing feathers and using some mica powder with some dye/shellac mix.

Peter Blair
02-20-2019, 5:32 PM
John I am for sure not adverse to some color I sure use it a lot I'm my turnings. A very fine artist Mo Moncrieff-jury uses acrylic iridescent paints to great effect on wings and feathers. I'm not sure, I may try some in the future. I actually had enough of painted feathers during my bird carving stage.

Keith Outten
02-21-2019, 4:35 PM

Really nice job engraving the feather. I'm not sure that I could do as well with my laser engraver.

Peter Blair
02-24-2019, 10:35 AM
John I did a small practice feather after reading your note here it is without and with a little iridescent violet paint

John Keeton
02-24-2019, 12:48 PM
Pete, I vote for the color!! Really adds a nice touch. We have wild turkeys in our yard quite often and during the spring when the toms are in full strut on a sunny day the iridescence of their plumage is striking! Sort of a bronze green look mostly, but there are a multitude of colors. It would be interesting to try to replicate that! Perhaps a project I might try at some point. I have a few tails from harvested turkeys, but actually the most iridescence seems to come from the body plumage.

Peter Blair
02-24-2019, 1:23 PM
Wow! Keith that is quite a compliment, thanks!!!


Really nice job engraving the feather. I'm not sure that I could do as well with my laser engraver.

Peter Blair
02-24-2019, 1:28 PM
John, if you ever get around to trying be sure to post a photo or two. I'm now torn between leaving this piece as is or adding some color. Incidentally, my wife agrees with your assessment. I am in the process of finishing a hollow form with feathers from the opening down to the shoulder and maybe i should try it on that piece. I'm planning to take both the Gallery next week and it would be interesting, at least to me, to see if one or the other would sell first. As always I appreciate your comments and input, thanks!

Pete, I vote for the color!! Really adds a nice touch. We have wild turkeys in our yard quite often and during the spring when the toms are in full strut on a sunny day the iridescence of their plumage is striking! Sort of a bronze green look mostly, but there are a multitude of colors. It would be interesting to try to replicate that! Perhaps a project I might try at some point. I have a few tails from harvested turkeys, but actually the most iridescence seems to come from the body plumage.

John K Jordan
02-24-2019, 2:33 PM
John, if you ever get around to trying be sure to post a photo or two. I'm now torn between leaving this piece as is or adding some color. Incidentally, my wife agrees with your assessment. I am in the process of finishing a hollow form with feathers from the opening down to the shoulder and maybe i should try it on that piece. I'm planning to take both the Gallery next week and it would be interesting, at least to me, to see if one or the other would sell first. As always I appreciate your comments and input, thanks!

If going for color, how about peacock feathers? With two males I pick up a lot every year. Might need iridescent paints.



Peter Blair
02-25-2019, 9:26 AM
Very Funny John! I think it's best if i leave those to you!!!

If going for color, how about peacock feathers? With two males I pick up a lot every year. Might need iridescent paints.



tom lucas
02-25-2019, 10:06 AM
turkey feathers remind me of carnival glass. Not sure how one would replicate that look, but it sure would be striking.