View Full Version : large hand saw vises on CL

Eric Rathhaus
02-12-2019, 2:15 AM
just saw listing for the Lodi Man. Co. large saw vise I recently purchased. jaws are 29" https://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/tls/d/sunnyvale-saw-blade-logging-vise-clamp/6797409227.html

Tom M King
02-12-2019, 3:51 PM
They probably help a lot when sharpening two man saws, and even the long one man ones.

Eric Rathhaus
02-12-2019, 4:15 PM
Yes, it can hold a full size, 26" saw over the entire length.

Tom M King
02-12-2019, 5:17 PM
i was thinking one man saws like this one: https://www.lehmans.com/product/7838/wood-cutting-hauling?utm_term=13&zmam=32933335&zmas=1&zmac=1&zmap=13&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-onjBRDSARIsAEZXcKZ5hOCTmHpE3DXjyaOyVxxQD85NR2Oh4zL msAnYtPFjg86Aq5dllckaAjoQEALw_wcB

How does it work for a hand saw? I have one that you only have to move a hand saw once with. It's worth the space it takes to leave it set up in the shop, and does a great job of dampening any vibrations. The pictures were taken soon after I bought it. The other vise in the picture is a more common, Stearns no.2.

Eric Rathhaus
02-12-2019, 11:12 PM
It works like the other vises I've seen. Here's an older thread on this vise. Lodi MFG Co. Saw Vise (https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?150037-Lodi-MFG-Co-Saw-Vise&highlight=Lodi)