View Full Version : Nu-Mark 10" Table Saw

Kevin Yancey
02-08-2019, 9:34 PM
Howdy guys,
I just picked up this Nu-Mark 10" Table Saw off CL and am looking for any information I can get on it. My intent is to integrate it into a new assembly table. It seams to be vary similar to a Delta 34-4** or a Rockwell Model 10 but I'm just not sure. I'm hoping it's parts are interchangeable with one of the Delta/Rockwell saws.
I'm also considering putting a DELTA 36-T30 T3 fence and rail system on it and of course I'll replace the poser switch.
Any information would be greatly appreciated and I'd also be interested in your opinions of this saw.



Devin Clinevell
05-14-2019, 7:48 PM

I was recently given a Nu-Mark 30-310 10" table saw, and I'm having issues finding any information anywhere as far as owners manuals or parts for it. If you find anything out, let me know. So far, mine works just fine, I'm just trying to plan for the future.
