View Full Version : Help now

Michael gramlick
02-07-2019, 10:26 PM
Few years ago in a hurricane in Jacksonville Florida some pecan trees fell and it been laying on the ground trying for two years I'm a newbie to woodworking and I kind of Rags old ladies I thought I could make some wood out of it makes the furniture oh she called me to the challenge so I cut it off with a chainsaw Florida by the house and slabs sanding and planing by hand bought a black ring around it 50 of them all over it I have no idea what it is I don't pay attention to it and put bleach on it trying to bleach bleach a little rings out of wood I've got wood chips and sawdust all over the porch back porch and all over the backyard when I see you know me and my wife and kids are being eaten alive at night I believe it's coming from the wood what is going on can anyone help we went to doctors nobody can tell me what to do how do you even sanitized would begin with or do I need to just burn it all is this possible or do I need to look somewhere else for the problem anybody that has any information

Tom Bender
02-08-2019, 6:52 AM
I have not heard of this type of problem and don't think it is from the wood but your health is more important than any wood. I would get the wood away from your family and clean up the sawdust. Get an exterminator to treat your home and go from there.

Marshall Harrison
02-08-2019, 9:14 AM
Never seen or heard of anything like this. But one word of caution; if you do decide to burn it make sure not to inhale the smoke. I smoke a lot of BBQ using pecan and there is nothing inherently wrong with pecan smoke but if there is some chemical or something that this wood has absorbed you don't want to run the risk of the smoke getting into your lungs and causing more problems.

Art Mann
02-08-2019, 11:33 AM
Your post would be easier to understand if you would use punctuation. I have extreme doubts that the wood is the source of your problems.

Richard Coers
02-08-2019, 11:47 AM
That's one crazy amalgamation of words! But agree with Art, highly unlikely that anything that eats wood, also eats people. I'm surprised that anything laying on the ground in Florida for 2 years has any integrity left to it at all. Isn't it full of termites?

Ben Rivel
02-08-2019, 2:43 PM
Wow that was hard to understand. So what exactly are you saying OP? Are there bugs that area biting you guys at night? If so, what do they look like and can you post a pic? At the least Id clean up all the sawdust in and around the house and move the wood stack as far away from the house as possible. Obviously keep it covered if you can. Other than that I dont think there is enough information here to figure out both what you are saying here and what might be cause of it.