View Full Version : Edge Banding Iron

Mike OMelia
01-22-2019, 7:01 PM
So, in my guitar work, I do some veneering on something called an arm wrest bevel. More importantly, I use a process for purfling layup that involves "ironing" it in place. I use a standard household iron to do this. I apply tite bond to both surfaces, let it dry, then iron it in place. I'd like to use something smaller. Here is something that meets my requirements. Wood River offered one, but no more. Is this a good tool?

https://www.tools4flooring.com/trimmers-edgebanding-glue-applicators/gundlach-1-eb-edgebanding-iron.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIorWOisuC4AIVxbXACh36jg k7EAQYASABEgLDY_D_BwE

I def need that sharp nose.


David Lawhorn
01-22-2019, 10:00 PM
Check out a sealing iron for hobby airplane covering. monokote iron may be what you are looking for.

Lisa Starr
01-23-2019, 12:01 PM
I use a monocote iron and it works great. I like having the temperature control.

Brian Henderson
01-23-2019, 12:21 PM
I was going to suggest a monokote iron as well, although it looks like they are not available anymore. Hangar 9 makes a similar iron, for sale over on Amazon.

Mike OMelia
01-23-2019, 6:33 PM
I was going to suggest a monokote iron as well, although it looks like they are not available anymore. Hangar 9 makes a similar iron, for sale over on Amazon.

I found a reasonably priced one here: https://www.hobbyzone.com/building-supplies/covering-related/tools-and-paints/topr2100.html?utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=Google+Shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyeCzvvyC4AIVCIbICh0odw-kEAQYAiABEgJV0PD_BwE