View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
07-03-2003, 8:41 AM
Since many of us start our weekend this evening, I thought it would be appropriate to post this today. So what's happenin' ?

My plans are to build the roll around bench I've been planning, that is if the heat and humidity don't get to me. I certainly envy those of you with air conditioned shops.

Have a great holiday weekend and be safe.


Jim Becker
07-03-2003, 8:52 AM
Aside from a picnic tomorrow afternoon at my friend Russ George's place with a few other woodworking folks, I'll be trying to fill this up with old drywall, fake beams, ugly T&G wall materials and the lovely blue cabinets and orange counter tops...the kitchen renovation is "real"!

Mike Schwing
07-03-2003, 8:58 AM
Sounds fun Jim! (not)

Time for a stealth gloat.....or maybe not so stealth....I'll be packing up and leaving for the South Seas for a couple of weeks.

Look at this place! I'll be here for 10 days between their resort and their "Gilligan's Island" resort with no electricity and 10 guests max.

This is our 2 year delayed honeymoon. I was gonna say no wood involved...but this is a family woodworking forum.


Jim Becker
07-03-2003, 9:06 AM
This is our 2 year delayed honeymoon. I was gonna say no wood involved...but this is a family woodworking forum.

Oh, my...what a nice place to play with....umm....palm trees??

At any rate, have a GREAT time with lots of relaxation, etc. Treat your bride right and you may still be able to get that drum sander... :eek:

Kevin Gerstenecker
07-03-2003, 9:17 AM
I have a LONG Weekend, thanks to a few Vacation Days I need to use up. Let's see now.............Golf Thursday, Golf Friday, BBQ Friday Evening with friends, then off to the local Park for the Fireworks Show. Family Reunion for my Mothers Side of the Clan on Saturday, then Golf on Sunday. Will try to mix in some shop time in between, I have a Slot Car Box to assemble for shipping Monday. It is going to be HOT here in the steamy Midwest, so I am sure some Pool Time will be in order as well. Another day off Monday, so more Golf, then R & R before it's back to the job on Tuesday. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Independance Day! Be careful with the Fireworks, we don't need any more injury reports! Enjoy! :D

I just couldn't resist editing this post with a little animation.:D
"Your Friendly Moderator"<p align="center">
<IMG src="http://www.klsal.com/golf1.gif"> </p>

Byron Trantham
07-03-2003, 10:08 AM
Goin' to the daughter's house for a 4th picnic, picking up some Birch to finish a project in the works and spend A LOT OF TIME on CAD laying out LOML new sewing room. [She's taking over the middle sized bedroom.] Cabinets, cabinets, cabinets.... :p

Everyone - be safe and keep your fingers away from the fireworks!

Mike Evertsen
07-03-2003, 12:44 PM
no real plans I have to finish the price for a 10' bar,,,maybe clean out the camper,,,and work in the shop I'm thinking about building the bookcase I've put off,,,,,

I want to hit the lotto so I can have 7 day weekends,,,,,,

Dr. Zack Jennings
07-03-2003, 12:53 PM
Commin' Home I'm going for a Harley ride to Newfoundland Gap this afternoon. Finishing all my projects at Arrowmont and watching the first 4th of July Parade in the country at Midnight in Gatlinburg.
I leave Saturday morning on the 550 mile return trip to Arkansas.

Greg Daves
07-03-2003, 2:17 PM
I will be off to the in-laws in Granbury Texas to watch the parade and fireworks with my wife and 2 year old son, and then back to Plano to complete the assembly of my new Limited Edition Unisaw and see what kinds of wood I can make into smaller pieces.

Hope everyone has a great holiday, and remember..."if you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with". Or in my case, take your wife and kid everywhere.

Take care!


Doug Littlejohn
07-03-2003, 3:57 PM
Mike - WOW, which bungelow are you staying in (they all look nice).

Let's see, besides the usual 4th BBQ stuff, I'll be working on two stumps in the way of my putting up my building, then it's do some ceiling fans, fix our HVAC (return is via the attic !!, ot a duct) and I'm gonna try to get a round of golf in.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th and


Ed Falis
07-03-2003, 4:05 PM
Hmn Jim,

I just filled one of them with 3000 sq ft of junk carpet and miscellaneous 70's panelling. You'll be surprized how quick it fills. Bon Courage - you're getting there!

Next year I'll be asking your advice when we do our kitchen.

- Ed

Ed Falis
07-03-2003, 4:07 PM
Wow, Mike! How much does it cost, roughly?

Tom Sweeney
07-03-2003, 4:40 PM
Mike - man does that place look like just what the doctor ordered!

Nothing really planned for me -
A good friend of mine flies the giant USA flag balloon that you see in my avatar (OK it's small there) & he just picked up his brand new 18 story tall space shuttle balloon (ordered before the accident :( ) and he's flying all weekend at various places within an hour of here so I'll probably take LOML & LOML jr. off to see them - it's a site to behold.
<p align="center"><img src="http://www.usflagballoon.com/images/fd7592b4.jpg">

<p>I am definately going to get some more practice time in on the lathe - I got lot's of spalted figured maple I need to make into bowls & such.

A bunch of web site work.

Sunday after Church we need to set up for our Vacation Bible School. Me & buddy made an 8' tall light house for it & we have to somehow get it up stairs & into the worship center - with our 2 bad backs & my 2 bad knees :eek: Then we need to take LOML jr. off to camp for a week & start planning for the following week when LOMLjr (directly from being picked up at camp) & myself are heading to WV, with 20 others, for a Church mission trip.

Everyone have a Fun & Safe 4th of July weekend-

Bobby Hatfield
07-03-2003, 5:32 PM
=Bob LasleySince many of us start our weekend this evening, I thought it would be appropriate to post this today. So what's happenin' ?My plans are to build the roll around bench I've been planning, that is if the heat and humidity don't get to me. I certainly envy those of you with air conditioned shops. Have a great holiday weekend and be safe.

Bob: Job not done so its work the 4th, another job to finish and another job to start monday. These door parts are waiting for the cool morning to assemble.

Tom Sweeney
07-03-2003, 6:06 PM
=Bobby Hatfield
Job not done so its work the 4th, another job to finish and another job to start monday. These door parts are waiting for the cool morning to assemble.Do you make only cabinet doors or entire cabinets? It seems to me like I've seen you post pictures with hundreds of total doors - please tell me you don't acually build that many complete cabinets.

It takes me 2 months or more to complete a simple project like a cutting board or something - course I only do it in my spare time which I have little of.

Even if it's just the doors - it's still very impressive.

Inquiring minds want to know :D

Jeff Cybulski
07-03-2003, 7:48 PM
Well we were suppose to close on the new house today, but he Lawyers are not done with the title stuff...so I guess it's more painting at the "old" house. Maybe some shop time but as Bob said it's a little humid here...around 105 with the heat index.

Have a safe 4th and great weekend all!


Bobby Hatfield
07-03-2003, 10:22 PM
Do you make only cabinet doors or entire cabinets? It seems to me like I've seen you post pictures with hundreds of total doors - please tell me you don't acually build that many complete cabinets. :D

Tom I build whatever customers want (most times) this is only a set of paint grade doors, drawers and fronts (remodel job) I only had the doors to make but contractor got fired and the owner wanted drawers and fronts plus all the hardware so who am I to complain, I'll take it all on.
I just finished 96 feet of 16" deep 48" tall storage cabinets last week, well almost, got to go back and hang one more cabinet when they make up their mind where, its a new headstart program building and they also need some of the toy and diaper storage shelves hung also so what the heck, they paid already before I finished so a little good will, may bring on another job. Next is a 3 foot by 7 foot country harvest table from yellow pine 2x material w/ turned legs. Biggest job I took on was 20,000 running foot of T & G, on a shaper no less, never again, I didn't know it was to be that much when I started.

Steve Clardy
07-03-2003, 10:35 PM
this walnut staircase has been dragging out and I cannot seem to get into it to finish it. Still have a couple more weeks on it. Would really like to goof off, but, I am installing a new bath in one of our bedrooms, has a concrete floor, [ouch for the plumbing]. Will probably end up tearing out sheet rock,redoing some of the wiring, removing the glued down carpet, figuring out where the plumbing will go before the backhoe gets here to install the new septic, laterials, water lines, and also hook the much needed shop stool closet to the same new septic. So, I am working one way or another looks like. Steve

Bobby Hatfield
07-03-2003, 11:15 PM
this walnut staircase has been dragging out and I cannot seem to get into it to finish it. Still have a couple more weeks on it. Would really like to goof off, but, I am installing a new bath in one of our bedrooms, has a concrete floor, [ouch for the plumbing]. Will probably end up tearing out sheet rock,redoing some of the wiring, removing the glued down carpet, figuring out where the plumbing will go before the backhoe gets here to install the new septic, laterials, water lines, and also hook the much needed shop stool closet to the same new septic. So, I am working one way or another looks like. Steve

Hey Steve, you turn all them vertical sticks (what they called ?) on the stairs ? Them the handrails you posted pic's of the other day ? Really nice lookin job. Turnin stuff makes my back hurt. Even pickin up stuff hurts it too, I picked up something wrong today and pulled a muscle in my back, takes my breath away when I move like this.

Tom Sweeney
07-03-2003, 11:33 PM
it's no wonder your back hurts.
I was turning a bowl tonight & now I'm sitting here with an ice pack on my neck - that's where it gets me - but man is it fun :D

Hey Steve, you turn all them vertical sticks (what they called ?) on the stairs ? Them the handrails you posted pic's of the other day ? Really nice lookin job. Turnin stuff makes my back hurt. Even pickin up stuff hurts it too, I picked up something wrong today and pulled a muscle in my back, takes my breath away when I move like this.

Scott Coffelt
07-04-2003, 12:03 AM
I am installing ducting for my DC, going to the NASCAR Truck and IRL races. Food, Family and Friends.

Dennis Peacock
07-04-2003, 12:29 AM
Not much....just cooking out and visiting with my parents who are coming out to visit and bring my two youngest sons back with them from Alabama. Other than that, the usual grass cutting and trying to keep cool. I opened the shop today and had 4 fans running for a solid 4 hours and I managed to get the temp down from 98 degress to a steady 89 degrees....heat index inside the shop was a mild 97 degrees at the "cool" temp range.

LOML has been thinking about letting me buy and install TWO 12,000 BTU window A/C units in the shop to help knock off the heat and humidity. We are just trying to find them with a high SEER rating since out 'lectricity ain't too cheap here. I figured that I could run BOTH units until the temp in the shop at night was around 78 degrees and then only run one unit. Of course, I am going to have to put up some plastic to make a barrier on the other 1/3 of the shop so I only have to cool 1,200 sq feet of shop space and not the whole 1,800 sq ft. Do ya'll think two 12,000 BTU units will be good enough? I don't want to make it frigid in the shop...just enough to make it comfy enough for me to work in there during the summer heat.??

Happy 4th of July....and ya'll be SAFE!!!!!

Terry Quiram
07-04-2003, 9:09 AM
Heat index today will be 110+ so I am not planning anything outside. Finishing up a steering wheel for a 1930's duce and a half for a friend. Finish making my own "Keller" jig and maybe getting to that pile of poplar and making some drawers for a shop cabinet.


Bobby Hatfield
07-04-2003, 9:44 AM
Heat index today will be 110+ so I am not planning anything outside. Finishing up a steering wheel for a 1930's duce and a half for a friend. Finish making my own "Keller" jig and maybe getting to that pile of poplar and making some drawers for a shop cabinet.


Hey Terry, lets have some pic's on that steering wheel, and how do you make your own keller jig, love to see that. I'm getting a late start on work today.

Steve Clardy
07-04-2003, 11:23 AM
Hey Steve, you turn all them vertical sticks (what they called ?) on the stairs ? Them the handrails you posted pic's of the other day ? Really nice lookin job. Turnin stuff makes my back hurt. Even pickin up stuff hurts it too, I picked up something wrong today and pulled a muscle in my back, takes my breath away when I move like this.

Yes. These are called balisters. I do most all my own turning. I have a hydraulic copy lathe I turn the bacis with, then finish them by hand on another lathe. Those are the rails that I posted also. I would rather do the machining stuff that the hand turning, but it's kinda like sanding. You make it, you gotta do the grudge work also. lol
Watch that back now Bobby. Guess that's old age coming on?

Charles McKinley
07-04-2003, 9:33 PM
I was hoping to avoid doing a tear off on my grandma's house but they didn't do it on the south face last time, so it is all comming off. About half of this is almost verticle, Dad was able to barrow a JLG from the company he works for so now I need it to stop raining!

Have fun

David Blangger
07-04-2003, 11:35 PM
takes my breath away when I move like this.


Don't tell it to your Doctor. He will charge you seventy bucks and reccomend you don't move like that :D

Happy belated 4th to everyone. Worked today and tomorrow. Only off Sunday and hope to have a small used tool gloat. My som in laws friend is a landlord and he foreclosed on a rent to own peice of property and the temporary owners left everything in the garage and moved. I am suppose to go with him and have a look-see :rolleyes: Who knows?


Dan McGuire
07-05-2003, 9:31 AM
This weekend will be dedicated to getting my brand new son and mama setteled back into the house. Mama gave birth to baby boy on July 2, Michael Thomas McGuire. I brought them home from the hospital last night. My other two daughters were very excited and stayed up too late, mama was tired and the boy and me spent the night getting used to each other. :)

Tom Sweeney
07-05-2003, 12:23 PM
Sounds like you'll be busy for a bit helping Mama out with the little ones!
Enjoy :cool:

This weekend will be dedicated to getting my brand new son and mama setteled back into the house. Mama gave birth to baby boy on July 2, Michael Thomas McGuire. I brought them home from the hospital last night. My other two daughters were very excited and stayed up too late, mama was tired and the boy and me spent the night getting used to each other. :)