View Full Version : Sugi cedar

Adam Beaudoin
01-12-2019, 9:56 AM
Anyone know where I can get a little bit of Japanese cedar (Sugi, Cryptomeria) either online or in the Northeast US? There's a bit on eBay, but it's all either green or heavily figured, and I'll be handcarving it.

Phillip Mitchell
01-12-2019, 12:09 PM
I don't know exactly how specific your need is for that type of cedar, but you might also consider Port Orford or Alaskan Yellow Cedars. They are commonly used in Japanese style work and even exported to Japan for temple building.

Bear Creek Lumber in WA state sometimes has these and will ship, though it won't be cheap to the North East. Willard Brothers Lumber in NJ may also have some stock of these cedars.

I'm sure Brian will chime in at some point with his knowledge and experience on these cedars and their availability.

What are you building?

Brian Holcombe
01-12-2019, 12:23 PM
These woods are commonly referred to as cedars but Sugi is of the Cupressaceae family, it's a cypress just like yellow cedar and western red cedar.

Willard definitely has Alaskan yellow and Western red cedar.

Western red cedar is probably closest in appearance to sugi.

That said, WRC is a poor choice for carving. Yellow cedar on the other hand is an excellent choice for carving, it's a dream wood.

Adam Beaudoin
01-12-2019, 12:24 PM
Thanks, Phillip, I'll check out Willard Brothers. I'm planning to carve it, actually. I've carved some AYC before, and while a bit hard it is nice. I've heard of Sugi's use in traditional Japanese carvings, and thought it might be nice to try.

Jim Becker
01-12-2019, 12:30 PM
You might also check with Hearne Hardwoods in Oxford PA...they may or may not have either "it" or something equivalent like Brian describes.

Adam Beaudoin
01-12-2019, 12:32 PM
Will do. By the way, does anyone have an email address for Willard Brothers? The one listed on their website bounced back.

Brian Holcombe
01-12-2019, 1:09 PM
Probably best just to call them. Last I was in they had a lot of 8/4 x 6” x 11’ yellow cedar. 8/4 and 5/4 WRC and 8/4 old growth fir.