View Full Version : A new piece of wood to turn into a bowl - PIC

Steve Mathews
01-11-2019, 4:18 PM
Here's another piece of wood that I'm excited about tackling. It's labeled Apple based on what the person who gave it to me mentioned. There was at least one fairly large branch that came out of the log mid-length so I'm think about cutting a full diameter length blank at right angle to the branch(es). The log itself is only about 8" in diameter. That would leave me a small section about the same diameter in length leftover. I'm hoping the cracks at the end haven't migrated to far inward. Any thoughts on how to tackle this project would be appreciated.


Dave Fritz
01-12-2019, 8:50 AM
I made some small apple bowls from an apple tree we had that died. The grand kids helped pick apples so I made one for each - 5. The largest was 4 inches across. I cut the log in sections, then cut the pith out and sealed the ends with anchor seal. They were then rough turned and sealed again and put in a bag to dry. Final turning was a challenge because they moved a lot but in the end the kids were happy, esp. the one with a 2 inch little bowl for her earrings. Apple cracks really bad so get at it right away.

John K Jordan
01-12-2019, 9:52 AM
There may be some interesting crotch figure at the junction but there also may be rot and bark inclusions since a branch often grows like than when the main trunk dies, is broken, or pruned (on fruit trees). You can almost count on it, but you won't know for sure until cutting into it. If disappointed with the first cut, make small spindle blanks. Apple is nice wood.

I'd trim back the ends to see how deep existing cracks go. Once reaching good wood, seal immediately. If the cracks are too deep, I salvage what I can, again by cutting spindle squares. I know plenty of people do, but I personally don't like turnings with cracks, filled or not.


Here's another piece of wood that I'm excited about tackling. It's labeled Apple based on what the person who gave it to me mentioned. There was at least one fairly large branch that came out of the log mid-length so I'm think about cutting a full diameter length blank at right angle to the branch(es). The log itself is only about 8" in diameter. That would leave me a small section about the same diameter in length leftover. I'm hoping the cracks at the end haven't migrated to far inward. Any thoughts on how to tackle this project would be appreciated.


John Hart
01-12-2019, 6:21 PM
I agree with John...get those cracks out of there quickly. Apple loves to crack itself apart. Such a beautiful wood to turn. Good luck :)