View Full Version : Collins Tool - Miter Spring Clamps

Frederick Skelly
01-04-2019, 8:50 PM
(Making this a separate thread to facilitate future searches.)

I have tried many types of corner clamp, parallel clamp, jig, etc to clamp picture frame miter joints. Nearly all of them were a pain to use, didn't get the joint square, or slipped too much. In another thread, several people recommended the Collins to me, so I ordered a set and they arrived today. LINK (https://www.amazon.com/Collins-Miter-Spring-Pliers-Clamp/dp/B00EXU3APA/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1546651949&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=collins+miter+clamps&psc=1).

They are a bit pricey, but to me, they are worth every penny. The pliers are lightweight aluminum, but they should hold up just fine. The clamps do a great job closing and holding the miter joint tight and they are easy to use. With these clamps, it's an easy job to securely clamp the joint. They do leave a couple dimples in soft wood, but there are easy ways to address that.

Thanks again for the tip guys!

Darcy Warner
01-04-2019, 8:53 PM
If you think those are expensive, check out clam clamps.
I don't even remember what happened to my Collins clamps anymore.

Jared Sankovich
01-04-2019, 9:12 PM
If you think those are expensive, check out clam clamps.
I don't even remember what happened to my Collins clamps anymore.

Still need to order a few sets of the clam clamps myself.

However they can't clamp profiled outside corners like spring clamps

Mark Wooden
01-05-2019, 1:25 PM
The Collins spring clamps are great, really handy, I have several. Another great clamp are German made Ulmia spring clamps; they come in 6 sizes and strengths. I've been using them for probably 20 years or more and wouldn't be without them on a trim job