View Full Version : Anyone ever tried "Old Brown Glue"?

Mike Dowell
01-03-2019, 8:42 AM
I normally buy the Titebond Hide Glue(too lazy to get out my glue pot), but I recently saw https://www.amazon.com/Old-Brown-Glue-20-oz/dp/B00VCWGRFM/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1546522448&sr=8-6&keywords=hide+glue#customerReviews this product on Amazon and wondered if anyone had used it? It's slightly more expensive per ounce than Titebond.


roger wiegand
01-03-2019, 9:31 AM
I use it from time to time and it's fine for what it is. Don't know that it's any different from the Titebond product. It seems you lose one of the primary advantages of hide glue, the quick grab and avoiding having to clamp, without much advantage. I use it when I want a reversible joint and don't care about clamping, or when I need the longer open time for more complicated assemblies. 98% of the time I plug in the glue pot instead. I worry (without data) that the added urea in liquid hide glue products weakens the joint or affects its longevity.

Thomas L Carpenter
01-03-2019, 9:39 AM
I use it for the long open time. Getting too slow to use glue that sets up before I'm ready. Don't buy it from Amazon because they keep their stock too long. I think the shelf life is 18 months and mine was 9 months old when I got it. When I called the Old Brown Glue people to find out about the shelf life he told me to buy from them because they ship only recently produced stock and also suggested I store it in a refrigerator to extend the life. They are at www.oldbrownglue.com.

Edwin Santos
01-03-2019, 12:05 PM
What are you using it for? Hammer veneering?

I have found it to be no better or worse than Titebond.
If it's for a general purpose, I'd say flip a coin. If it's for a specialized purpose like Hammer Veneering, then I think you should try both and compare them to each other and old fashioned pearls, and make your decision because your own technique is one of the factors IMO.

richard poitras
01-03-2019, 12:48 PM
Plus one on the glue. I have used it and it works good. Patric Edwards makes it at his shop in California. He has been working in the industry for 50 years.


Chuck Nickerson
01-03-2019, 1:04 PM
IME OBG's advantage over THG is tied to its disadvantage: OBG flows best when it's warmed. As a result when OBG cools you get the slight shrinkage that pulls a joint together. I just heat OBG in my glue pot to get the effect.

Mike Dowell
01-04-2019, 6:59 AM
Thank you for all the input! Excellent advice about the shelf life as well. I don't do much hammer veneering, but I use hide glue any time I need a period-appropriate adhesive, which is actually many times. I also really like hide glue because of how easily it cleans up, and also its color. Now that I think of it, I just really like it. What I don't like is heating up my pellets, then I run out and need to wait on more to heat up etc... So I've been a little lazy over the years.