View Full Version : DFW Woodworking show next weekend 9-11

Jim O'Dell
12-02-2005, 9:16 AM
Anyone here going to the show? What days? I'm planning to be there Friday afternoon, and again Saturday afternoon for a few of the seminars. Would enjoy placing a face with a name if the opportunity is there. Jim.

Charlie Plesums
12-02-2005, 9:33 AM
We will be visiting our son in Frisco, and will probably stop in at the show either Saturday afternoon or Sunday. I'm tall, relatively skinny, and greying hair (unless I use the Clairol before then;) )

Jim O'Dell
12-02-2005, 11:33 AM
I'll look for you, Charlie. I'm 6'2'', medium build, glasses, mustache and gotee, both greying. I'll try to remember to wear my black Lincoln ball cap. Jim.

Dennis McDonaugh
12-02-2005, 2:29 PM
Anyone here going to the show? What days? I'm planning to be there Friday afternoon, and again Saturday afternoon for a few of the seminars. Would enjoy placing a face with a name if the opportunity is there. Jim.

Where is it Jim?

Jim O'Dell
12-02-2005, 2:34 PM
It's at the Arlington Convention Center, just north of the Ranger's Ballpark. It would be a pretty good drive for you unless you were coming for other things for the weekend. If you need directions, let me know! It's easy to find. Jim

Jim O'Dell
12-04-2005, 10:00 PM
Well, so far it looks like attendance at this year's show will be dismal!! Either that, or 99.99% of the metroplex's woodworkers know nothing about Sawmill Creek. Ok, so this is really just a bump to see if anyone missed it the first time around.
Charlie, it looks like I may not get to do my 2nd day of the show until Sunday now. Need to do Christmas shopping one day next weekend, and my wife doesn't think that the shops in Weatherford will be open on Sunday. I'll still look for you then in case that's the day you try to go. Jim

Randy Denby
12-04-2005, 10:57 PM
Jim, I'll be there along with Mike Tubbs and Don Henry. I'm not sure if "Uncle"Mike Tubbs posts here anymore....I have just returned from a hiatus and started posting to the Creek, recently .

Tom Scott
12-05-2005, 1:28 AM
I'll be there. Not sure what day(s) yet, but probably Sunday as we're doing Christmas with my brother on Saturday. When my wife told me what day we were doing this I mentioned that it was the same day as the Woodworking show. All she said was, "priorities." I think this means she wants me to go to the show...


Kelly C. Hanna
12-05-2005, 9:33 AM
I doubt I'll make it this year. moeny is very tight around these parts with all the people who are moving jobs into spring. Hate to miss it, but the show without cash is just not fun.

Jim O'Dell
12-05-2005, 10:37 AM
I know what you mean, Kelly. If I spend anything, I'm dead meat. (not my words!) but there are several seminars I want to go to, and a few things to look at for future possible purchases. Jim.

Tommy Curtiss
12-05-2005, 11:18 AM
Jim, I will be there saturday morning with the intention of taking some one of the classes on cab const,I will probably be wearing a S&J Electric jacket,(brown carhart with co name on it)also,,,you say no mans land,,,but I am building a new shop in BROCK,,,now thats no mans land(10 miles west of weatherford),,give me a holler sometime and we can butcher some wood,,,and I may need some ideas with arranging the shop,(just finished covering the walls with 7/16 partical board),,,Tommy Curtiss

Dennis McDonaugh
12-05-2005, 12:18 PM
It's at the Arlington Convention Center, just north of the Ranger's Ballpark. It would be a pretty good drive for you unless you were coming for other things for the weekend. If you need directions, let me know! It's easy to find. Jim

Jim, I'm supposed to be in Lancaster that weekend so it won't be that far. I think I can find he convention center if I make it to Lancaster.

Jim O'Dell
12-05-2005, 12:27 PM
Tommy, you're further along on your shop than I am. I'm still working on electrical. I have to work Sat., so probably won't get there that day. Plan to be there Fri. afternoon, and possibly again on Sunday afternoon.
Dennis, it's just south of I-30 by the ballpark. Really easy to find. Just west of Six Flags, next door to a 8 or so story hotel, Ramada I think.
Tom and Randy, I'll look for you. I'll be wearing blue jeans, a light jacket and a black Lincoln ball cap.

Tommy Curtiss
12-05-2005, 12:34 PM
Jim if you need any help with the electrical on your shop,drop me a line,I am a master electrician

Jim O'Dell
12-05-2005, 6:50 PM
Jim if you need any help with the electrical on your shop,drop me a line,I am a master electrician

Thanks Tommy! I may just do that. My time table has been pushed back again because of the holidays. I have 2 more lights to install, and the main leads from the meter to the panel installed (overhead line was cut outside for me by Texas Electric when I was residing the outside), then I need to find out what is needed to turn the electricity on. I understand that being in the county, there is no inspection required, and if that is true, I still want someone knowledgeable to verify that what I've done is kosher. I'll let you know!! Jim.

Mike Forsman
12-06-2005, 9:28 AM
I was planning on attending. Just not sure when or if I will be able to work it into the schedule. The My work is really busy for the next two weeks. If I can't find time to get away on Friday or Saturday morning, I may not make it.

Harold Beck
12-06-2005, 9:44 AM
I'll be there Friday afternoon. Maybe on Saturday also if there is any serious research that needs to be done.


Steve Jenkins
12-06-2005, 10:37 AM
Jim if you need any help with the electrical on your shop,drop me a line,I am a master electrician
Tommy, may I jump on that help line too? I am in the process of building a shop.

Tommy Curtiss
12-06-2005, 10:41 AM
no problem,my email is tcurtiss@sj-electric.com,

Jim O'Dell
12-08-2005, 9:43 PM
Well, as life has it, my show attendance schedule has been changed for me. :( I won't know until Friday morning if I will get to attend Friday or not. The way my luck goes, probably not (work related change) Sat. is now out, but Sunday is in. :rolleyes: This is only exactly opposite of what I have been planning on for 5 months! Oh, well. Life will go on. I hope to still visit with a couple of you guys on Sunday, unless that changes between now and then. Jim

Kevin Swindle
12-09-2005, 7:49 AM
I plan on being there sometime on Saturday. I missed it last year and don't want that to happen again.

Dave Tinley
12-09-2005, 9:12 AM
My son in law and I will be there on Sunday morning. I will be wearing a WoodCentral hat and drool on my chin.
I understand David Marks is suppose to be there along with Kelly Mehler. Those guys know how to make sawdust. :D

Hope to see some of y'all.

Dave- way too cold in Texas this morning!!

Jim O'Dell
12-09-2005, 11:25 AM
Well, my luck has changed for a change. :D :D Everything has worked out where I can go today. I'll be on call in case my mgr has to leave, but should be safe. I will go back on Sunday for a couple more seminars. Dave, one of those is the David Marks class on power tool purchasing. Jim

Jim O'Dell
12-09-2005, 8:20 PM
Well, the first day is over. I was a little disappointed in the bandsaw classes I thought I was going for. If you have the typical 14" unit, there is some good basic information. But be aware it is geared to selling Carter products. (nothing wrong with the products, or with the selling aspect, it just didn't help me much with my questions)
So I went looking at the other classes. Dave, I went through the Jointer and Planer classes that Kelly Mehler did, and they were very good. Explained how each of them work. It was still basic information, but applicable to everyone. I will go back Sunday and do his other two classes on the Bandsaw and the Tablesaw. Will probably miss most of the bandsaw class because it starts about 30 minutes after the David Marks session I want to go to.
Like others have said about the shows from other parts of the country, it was a little smaller again this year. I missed Woodpeckers since they have decided not to do the shows anymore, or at least for the time being. Incra was there doing the demos of their systems. Learned a few things.
We have a new local dealer for General products, and they had a nice booth with quite a few different items. They have the 50-260 TS with free extensions and legs for 1299.00. Sign says it is regularly 1900.00, but I haven't looked it up yet to verify. The new PM 2000 was there, with a price tag of 2099.00. I personally thought the General looked a little better, although the inboard mobility kit was nice and is a slick install.
What did I buy???? NOTHING. LOML is proud of me, and I think a little surprised. Other than some 8' T-track, nothing really got me that interested, although if I was ready to pull the trigger on a new TS, I'd be checking that price out real hard before I stopped to write this. :p :D :D
Didn't see anyone there, but did stop at the Tarrant County Wood Workers Assoc. booth and met Cliff Elliott. One of these days I'm going to make one of the meetings!! I'll look again on Sunday. Have a great weekend. Jim.

edit After looking things up, the price on the TS is not that great, and doesn't appear to be MSRP at 1900.00. It does look like regular price with the free extension and legs. Also this appears to be the GI overseas unit instead of the Canadian built unit. Just as well I don't have the cash burning a hole in my pocket, huh??