View Full Version : Large Cherry Pedestal Vase

Roger Chandler
12-26-2018, 12:00 PM
I've been invited to do an Arts show in Jan/Feb at a Retirement Center. This particular show has had a lot of success in the last few years, and seems to be one that attracts some fine work.

This vase is turned end grain from a cherry log [it's either ornamental cherry or black cherry. The wood was gifted to me, so I'm unsure]. It is 12" at the rim, and 10.5" tall, and made to be a centerpiece. I am making three pieces, and taking a couple from the gallery shelves for this show.

I popped the grain with danish oil, and it has two coats of satin WOP as a finish coat. Meticulously sanded with zero sanding marks left, and I hope it finds a good home for someone who visits the show next month.


Robert Hayward
12-26-2018, 7:12 PM
Very nice! I will be surprised it this piece does not go home with someone other than you.

Brice Rogers
12-26-2018, 7:57 PM
That's a very nice piece, Roger.

Roger Chandler
12-26-2018, 8:48 PM
Thanks Robert and Brice! It actually looks better in person than in the pic, as one can see the size in relation to other things, and the feel of it in the hands. This one has “presence”.

Roger Chandler
01-01-2019, 12:51 PM
Part of the show prep was to send info on this to our curators for the printing of show labels, so that went off to them today. Wish me luck! :)

Brian Tymchak
01-02-2019, 8:32 PM
Gorgeous piece Roger! I'll offer wishes for good luck, but I'm thinking you'll do pretty well regardless.

Roger Chandler
01-02-2019, 10:36 PM
Gorgeous piece Roger! I'll offer wishes for good luck, but I'm thinking you'll do pretty well regardless.Thanks Brian, much appreciated! :)