View Full Version : Taytools blem Pec squares on Ebay

lawrence munninghoff
12-24-2018, 6:28 PM
Has anyone purchased blem Pec brand squares from Taytools on Ebay? Prices are really good. Wondering how they were.

Adam Petersen
12-24-2018, 6:41 PM
Yes. They are square, easy to read and have minor blemishes that are cosmetic. I've bought two 6" double squares and they are my daily users. Can't beat the price.

Patrick Kane
12-24-2018, 7:09 PM
Better than Harry Epstein? Send a link if you have a chance.

lawrence munninghoff
12-25-2018, 4:17 PM
Not sure about Harry Epstein.

Mike Henderson
12-25-2018, 4:18 PM
I've bought PEC blems on eBay - don't remember the seller - and they were great.


al heitz
12-25-2018, 9:49 PM
My PEC blem double squares were perfect except for a scratch or two on the finish. Technically perfect, otherwise.