View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
12-24-2018, 12:15 AM
24 Dec 2018

Greetings and Merry Christmas / Happy New Year to You!!

I come off of oncall duty in just under 9 hours. I will be so happy when I'm not tethered to work for a while. Not much to report here except for getting ready for Christmas day, family visit, family chores, shopping, fighting traffic, and trying to keep my head above water with refusing to go further into debt for Christmas. So far, it's been good.
Some things I've been doing lately when I get some time is play with Ableton Live that I have on my computer. I also have a Roland A-500Pro Midi keyboard attached that makes some really great music with Ableton Live. I also have a Blue Pro series mic that my son is letting me use and wow, really nice sound via the mic. I love playing music and doing digital music brings a whole new perspective to "playing music" for someone who's always just picked up an instrument and started playing.

I've also been catching up on writing my life's story for my kids and all those that survive after me. My dad started writing his life story but the cancer got him before he got very far. I sure would have loved having his perspective of his own life's story to read and treasure. I still miss my dad to this day.

Well, that's it for me. What did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks and Christmas Holidays to all of you!

Aaron Rosenthal
12-24-2018, 1:16 AM
It started when I brought most of my hand planes into the basement, which I'm rearranging so I can get some winter projects done in "comfort".
I lost my Veritas Mk.II bevel roller sharpening jig. I had it, then didn't.
Cleaned the big workbench and started saying "why am I keeping this?" Ended filling up 3 large garbage bags of junk.
Helped a pal make a custom holder from Wenge for a special parchment scroll, a present for his parents upcoming wedding anniversary.
Started fixing up one of my kid's BMX brake system.
Bought some used snow tires and rims for the wife's Odyssey and got them installed.
A good week except for my stock portfolio.
Found the missing jig.

Charles Taylor
12-24-2018, 10:46 AM
Last week I described building up 1-1/2" square stock for the upper half of my coffee station project. Earlier this week I realized I had turned a 5-step procedure into about a 10-step one through some carelessness in my bandsaw setup, resulting in some of the stock being too thin and needing further lamination. Oh well. I can hide my goofs well enough.

Over the weekend I made up all of the rails, mortises, tenons, and grooves for the upper cabinet. I shared my next goof--rails too long--on the "Show us your stupid" thread. It pays to consult your plan once in a while.

Next up, I'll make side and rear panels, shelves, and a top.

Jim Becker
12-24-2018, 11:23 AM
Dennis, I hope you get a little "down time"...you're one busy dude!! 'Glad you're enjoying the digital music creation. I've been meaning to, but keep getting distracted. My father did a "life story" project which I am in possession of and will likely post in Ancestry for posterity. I've not personally been so inclined, but you never know!

My week was pretty low-keep. I completed a series of sample "inspirational" signs for my ETSY store and did a pretty good cleanup of my shop...which it needed. I also acquired some more ceiling material to hopefully complete the last remaining third of the shop that I never got to earlier in the year. Yesterday, I spent some time designing a new table for our kitchen eating area and I hope to start work on that this week. It's been "on the list" for a long time for sure!

'Wishing everyone the happiest of holidays and the absolutely best new year!

Bruce Page
12-24-2018, 12:29 PM
This is the gag house warming gift I made on the CNC for my son. A lot of finger sanding and first time seriously using radial bristle discs with the Dremel.
Ambrosia maple, 1.5” X 9” X 12”

Jim Becker
12-24-2018, 2:00 PM
Dang...that truly is a work of art, Bruce! Did you model that yourself?