View Full Version : Hammer A3-31 Calibration Question

Greg Parrish
12-21-2018, 4:40 PM
As many know, I’m working my way through getting this thing set up. I’ve hit a snag I can’t figure out on the planer section. To get rid of snipe on both ends, Felder sent video and instruction to increase tension on the feed rollers. I feel like I’ve tightened them a lot at this point trying to both even the pressure side to side to promote straight feeding and to provide enough tension to hold the workpiece flat to the bed. I’ve waxed the bed as well.

so here is the issue, I’m still getting a small amount of snipe that can be seen and felt. Too much to sand out in my opinion. The kicker is that it is noticeably worse as the wood gets thinner. So planing on a 1” board doesn’t appear to leave snipe. Planing a 1/2” board does leave snipe.

Any idea why the tension adjust would cause snipe on a thinner thinner board and not the thicker one? Do I possibly have too much tension? Any tips on how to go about getting tension right to remove snipe? Thanks.

Rod Sheridan
12-21-2018, 5:01 PM
You may have too much pressure.

To much pressure on the infeed can cause thin wood to compress under the roller, bend upwards and contact the cutter.

Same for the outfeed, it causes the trailing end to have snipe.

Reduce the tension by 12 flats on the nut, try it, reduce again, try it....Rod

Ben Rivel
12-21-2018, 5:03 PM
No suggestions as i havent set my machine up yet, but wanted to ask, how long is the snipe at each end? Curious how much of the boards length you are losing to it.

Greg Parrish
12-21-2018, 5:07 PM
You may have too much pressure.

To much pressure on the infeed can cause thin wood to compress under the roller, bend upwards and contact the cutter.

Same for the outfeed, it causes the trailing end to have snipe.

Reduce the tension by 12 flats on the nut, try it, reduce again, try it....Rod

thanks Rod. That makes some sense as the boards were starting to bow the thinner I went so the rollers are probably inducing the bow as well. I’ll back it back down evenly per side 12 flats and see what happens. Thanks.

Greg Parrish
12-21-2018, 5:08 PM
No suggestions as i havent set my machine up yet, but wanted to ask, how long is the snipe at each end? Curious how much of the boards length you are losing to it.

Ben, it’s about 4” per side, but I e not actually run anything other than test boards so far so no real losses. Hopefully I get it dialed in for no snipe.

ChrisA Edwards
12-21-2018, 5:28 PM
Are you using an outfield extension table? When I was doing a lot of long boards, I put the longer extension table on and didn't get any snipe, first planing 5/4 boards and then the same board resewed to 1/2". This was a major improvement over my old Dewalt 735.

The longer extension has the support leg, which you have to keep adjusting as you change the planer thickness, so it's a bit of a pain. I never should have bought it, at least for use on the planer function. It's really designed for support on either the indeed or outfeed side of the jointer function.

Since then, I've been planing without an extension and am getting mild snipe as you describe. I've ordered the shorter outfield extension which I hope helps eliminate the snipe as the longer extension did. Felder has this extension discounted from $185 to $149 right now.

Greg Parrish
12-21-2018, 5:35 PM
Are you using an outfield extension table? When I was doing a lot of long boards, I put the longer extension table on and didn't get any snipe, first planing 5/4 boards and then the same board resewed to 1/2". This was a major improvement over my old Dewalt 735.

The longer extension has the support leg, which you have to keep adjusting as you change the planer thickness, so it's a bit of a pain. I never should have bought it, at least for use on the planer function. It's really designed for support on either the indeed or outfeed side of the jointer function.

Since then, I've been planing without an extension and am getting mild snipe as you describe. I've ordered the shorter outfield extension which I hope helps eliminate the snipe as the longer extension did. Felder has this extension discounted from $185 to $149 right now.

I’ve got the short extension on planer outfeed now. I’m getting the snipe on short boards too though. Need to loosen tension as Rod suggested when I go back in there and see if that brings it back in check.

Ben Rivel
12-21-2018, 5:39 PM
Felder has this extension discounted from $185 to $149 right now.
Yea they always discount the table extension, but never the additional mount rail needed to mount it. So annoying. Thats an extra $70. Add tax and shipping and the whole setup runs about $260.

ChrisA Edwards
12-21-2018, 5:39 PM
Do you have a link to this video from Felder?

Greg Parrish
12-21-2018, 5:45 PM
Do you have a link to this video from Felder?

One of the service people texted it to my cell phone. Not an official video, just his filming in their stock room to help me. Not sure if I can technically legally post it without getting his permission.

Sebastien La Madeleine
12-21-2018, 10:18 PM
I never had issue with snipe on my machine but I know that if I don’t tighten the handle below the height ruler on the planer, that will cause some snipe. Just a quick tightening of the handle cures it all.

Nick Lazz
12-22-2018, 10:18 AM
I may be doing it wrong, but with long boards I do not rely soly on the extensions. On both infeed and outfeed I will support the board with slight upward pressure with my hands. I also make sure I don't take too big of a bite. .005" is about as aggressive as I will go.

I would like to see that video though if it is available in a link.

Rod Sheridan
12-22-2018, 12:46 PM
I normally take 2mm deep cuts ( one handwheel revolution)..........Mine has no snipe, neither measurable nor can you feel or see anything.....Rod

Ben Rivel
12-22-2018, 1:14 PM
Those with no snipe: Are you using an extension table on the planer or any other type of outfeed support??

Greg Parrish
12-22-2018, 1:42 PM
I’ve been playing with the tension adjustments all morning. I’ve managed to get darn close to no snipe but still need to fine tune some more to keep straight, even feeding and no snipe.

Using some walnut, cherry and maple, I did manage to get enough material processed to put together 3 decent sized cutting boards. One is 1.5”x26”x9.5”. One is 1.5”x21”x10.5”. Last one is about 10” square and 1.5” thick. Have two in clamps right now and the other one later today. Nothing standardized about them but given my late to the game attempt, I’m just going with what I had pulled to get started with. Was supposed to be doing this a month or two ago but work and life didn’t allow me to get this machine calibrated timely.

Remind me never to take on a major shop layout shuffle, tool swap out, and new tool acquisition swing all at me time. Too much stress and learning curve all at once. 2018 was a big change up year for my shop with a ton of new machines, processes and layout to learn to work with. LOL

Rod Sheridan
12-22-2018, 6:32 PM
Those with no snipe: Are you using an extension table on the planer or any other type of outfeed support??

Yes and no, I use the outfeed table for short pieces so they don't fall on the floor before I can grab them.

The machine has no snipe regardless of extension table use........Rod.

Greg Parrish
12-22-2018, 7:32 PM
Still need to adjust the tension a little to straighten the feed, but managed to at least knock out a few cutting boards from my Christmas gift list. Will get them sanded up and branded next. Once I have the snipe and feed fixed permanently and have my workflow down I’ll start incorporating more exotic woods into the boards as well.

Main in thing I need now is to finish figuring out my workshop layout reshuffle and get my power and dust collection lines routed appropriately. Lastly I need to work out some additional assembly and glue up space, which I’m hoping to incorporate with a sanding station table.

Thanks for all all the help on this jointer/planer guys. It’s been a learning curve for sure over the little dewalt.




Chris Parks
12-22-2018, 8:05 PM
Those with no snipe: Are you using an extension table on the planer or any other type of outfeed support??

Yes and I have never had snipe and never had to do any adjustments in the four years I have owned the machine. Just a heads up on the extenssion table, it is a major mission to attach it and the top surface level with the main bed and I have every spanner needed to make it easier. The bloke who designed it should be taken out the back and flogged to an inch of his life.

Derek Cohen
12-22-2018, 8:30 PM
No suggestions as i havent set my machine up yet, but wanted to ask, how long is the snipe at each end? Curious how much of the boards length you are losing to it.

Ben, I have had my A3-31 about 5 years now. It was set up before delivery by the local Felder agent, who delivered it to my garage workshop, installed and commisioned it. It has run flawlessly since. No snipe at all, ever.

To demonstrate this, here are two photos I posted a while back. What they show is how short the bard can be that the machine can joint and thickness. It is possible to cut something to the desired length, and work with that because of the confidence I have that there will nit be any snipe. With longer pieces, I do have a bench extension, but have not needed to use it (for support) more than once or twice.



The performance I get from the three Hammer machines (the other two being the N4400 bandsaw and K3 slider) is excellent, and the reason why I do not consider a need to upgrade. Clearly there is a performance potential in these machines that lies untapped for many. Consider having the agent commision your machines. Knowing how to set them up is important information, but having them right from the start lets you know what you should aim for.

Regards from Perth


Greg Parrish
12-26-2018, 8:16 PM
Do you have a link to this video from Felder?

I may be doing it wrong, but with long boards I do not rely soly on the extensions. On both infeed and outfeed I will support the board with slight upward pressure with my hands. I also make sure I don't take too big of a bite. .005" is about as aggressive as I will go.

I would like to see that video though if it is available in a link.

Finally received an okay from the service person at Felder to post these:




Chris Parks
12-26-2018, 8:31 PM
Greg, thanks very much and why they don't do this stuff for educating owners is beyond me. Are these links going to permanently stay up or is there some way I can DL the videos and save them.

Greg Parrish
12-26-2018, 8:53 PM
Can’t figure out how to make them downloadable but I don’t plan to take them down any time soon. Regards

Derek Cohen
12-26-2018, 10:53 PM
Can’t figure out how to make them downloadable but I don’t plan to take them down any time soon. Regards

Hi Greg

Try this: https://docdro.id/BJtHTq0

One can download videos with iTube Studio (the record button).

Regards from Perth


Dean Arthur
12-27-2018, 12:59 PM
Greg, Since you got permission to distribute these videos I've taken the liberty of uploading the files to a format that is more easily downloaded by the community. You can simply right click and download the respective files.




Chris, I wholeheartedly agree. The Hammer and Felder combination machines are marvelous technology but they just kind of leave the end user in the dark about how to set them up.

I've been in touch with the techs at Felder and they are great guys but their technical materials are extraordinarily poor and unorganized. These are not particularly intuitive machines either - there is definitely a sequence of events when setting them up.

In years past Laguna has gotten some heat, rightly or wrongly, for their customer service - but check out their videos on setting up a bandsaw that costs a fraction of this machine - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ_Rc_D1RDk

To me this is how it should be done. Take a machine out of the box and set it up from start to finish. If you're just interested in setting up the table or changing the blade you can skip to that chapter. Instead with Felder/Hammer I've only ever gotten what you've gotten - a random assortment of technical documents that may or may not be relevant and perhaps some shaky camera phone footage (and I'm thankful for even that!).

Look at the production quality of most amateurs on Youtube - it's quite extraordinary. I have to imagine one of the most high end manufacturers of woodworking equipment in the world could manage that. In fact, I know they can - if you want to make a hot tub they have you covered - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj4gSMdaaxE - but if you want to setup the machine before you make your hot tub....?

Derek, I assume there is a Felder/Hammer vendor in or near your city so it's not a big ask for a tech to come and set it up in person. In the United States where I'm at I think there are only three distributors (Delaware, Texas, California?). So if you're not in those locations and in one of the other 4000 cities or 47 states you're going to be paying for airline tickets, etc. to get that tech to you- so several thousand dollars is not out of the question. Of course this would be reasonable for a shop freshly outfitted with new machines, but for a one off machine in a smaller shop or hobbyist shop? Obviously a no go.

It took me two days to setup my Hammer A3-41 and I know I could still get it tighter - I just don't have the courage to open it back up. I said the same thing to the techs at Felder and they completely understood. I implored them to please produce some adequate documentation or better yet some decent videos since these are such wonderful machines.

-- NORMAL --

Chris Parks
12-27-2018, 5:25 PM
It is also extraordinary that the group who seeks to help us is in a format that is equally frustrating. If the Yahoo group was in a forum format I for one would be an active member.

Julie Moriarty
12-27-2018, 5:43 PM
Chris, I wholeheartedly agree. The Hammer and Felder combination machines are marvelous technology but they just kind of leave the end user in the dark about how to set them up.

I've been in touch with the techs at Felder and they are great guys but their technical materials are extraordinarily poor and unorganized. These are not particularly intuitive machines either - there is definitely a sequence of events when setting them up.
I agree, Chris. It would go a long way in creating good will with their customers if they provided the information necessary to service and maintain these machines. When I received shipment of a Delta Contractor's Saw, Jet bandsaw, Ryobi drum sander, Delta and Dewalt lunchbox planers, and even Craftsman radial arm saw, jointer and sanding center, the manuals included provided everything I needed to get those machines up and running properly. The Hammer A3-31 cost almost as much as all those machines combined so I thought their manual w be top notch. Why it is so poor can only be because Felder has chosen not to create such a manual.

Dennis Cloutier
12-27-2018, 7:30 PM
As many know, I’m working my way through getting this thing set up. I’ve hit a snag I can’t figure out on the planer section. To get rid of snipe on both ends, Felder sent video and instruction to increase tension on the feed rollers. I feel like I’ve tightened them a lot at this point trying to both even the pressure side to side to promote straight feeding and to provide enough tension to hold the workpiece flat to the bed. I’ve waxed the bed as well.

so here is the issue, I’m still getting a small amount of snipe that can be seen and felt. Too much to sand out in my opinion. The kicker is that it is noticeably worse as the wood gets thinner. So planing on a 1” board doesn’t appear to leave snipe. Planing a 1/2” board does leave snipe.

Any idea why the tension adjust would cause snipe on a thinner thinner board and not the thicker one? Do I possibly have too much tension? Any tips on how to go about getting tension right to remove snipe? Thanks.

First, thanks for posting this because I had no idea I could improve the snipe I'm getting. I'd just decided to live with it.

I watched all three videos, but unless I missed something, the tech doesn't talk about changing tension to eliminate snipe. Did he suggest this when you spoke to him?


Chris Parks
12-27-2018, 8:47 PM
For all the problems reported by users I have only had one with both of my machines and that was with the fine adjuster on the K3 which I pulled apart and fixed myself. The A3 worked out of the box and I have never had one issue with it at all. It might be said that I am a very happy Hammer owner and that would be true. I did note the comment in the video about the material being machined skewing as it feeds through and mine does that in a mild fashion so when the temperature in the shed drops a bit (40 deg C at the moment) I will have a look at fixing that.

Christopher Chen
04-25-2021, 1:32 AM
Hey Greg, can you repost whatever you were attaching here?

Still need to adjust the tension a little to straighten the feed, but managed to at least knock out a few cutting boards from my Christmas gift list. Will get them sanded up and branded next. Once I have the snipe and feed fixed permanently and have my workflow down I’ll start incorporating more exotic woods into the boards as well.

Main in thing I need now is to finish figuring out my workshop layout reshuffle and get my power and dust collection lines routed appropriately. Lastly I need to work out some additional assembly and glue up space, which I’m hoping to incorporate with a sanding station table.

Thanks for all all the help on this jointer/planer guys. It’s been a learning curve for sure over the little dewalt.




Mark Carlson
04-25-2021, 7:33 AM
I never gotten snipe on my A3-31 and have the small outfeed support on the planer. Come to think of it I've never made any adjustments in the 10 years that I've owned it which includes some long distance moves.

Those with no snipe: Are you using an extension table on the planer or any other type of outfeed support??