View Full Version : drop front desk hardware

Bill Carey
12-19-2018, 3:29 PM
I've looked all over for this hardware to no avail. It's a mechanism that, as the front is dropped, a bar pulls out the lopers on each side. I've looked at all the places I can think of: Kennedy's, Van Dykes, Rockler, etc. I would much rather have one than make one. All suggestions welcome.

Gary Ragatz
12-19-2018, 3:59 PM
This isn't an exact match, but it looks like it's in the ballpark:


There's probably more out there - seems like maybe "secretary desk hinge" is the right search phrase.

Paul F Franklin
12-19-2018, 4:51 PM
Actually, Rockler may have it, although it is well hidden:

https://www.rockler.com/federal-desk-plan-and-desk-support-hinge-set?sid=V9146?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=pla&utm_campaign=PL&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIib_B8u6s3wIV1LfACh1mzQbXEAYYASAB EgK5-fD_BwE

The write up is poor, but it seems like this will pull out the support as the top is pulled down....

Also found this image: https://www.google.com/search?q=antique+drop+front+desk+hardware&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=B8nQ2X3xaCLDwM%253A%252C9X2Vt19adetLeM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kSZnvAY-o4RQ9ll9e6C59pDXyR3jA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizv6SR7qzfAhVr5oMKHSwnAAIQ9QEwB3oECAQQD A#imgrc=B8nQ2X3xaCLDwM:

Which appears to be the same hardware, but no info on source.

Bill Carey
12-19-2018, 5:21 PM
thanks guys. I think the rockler federal hardware is what I'm looking for. Well hidden is an understatement. I just ordered it.

Richard Coers
12-19-2018, 11:54 PM
I'm the guy that actually made that desk they use in the picture. I had been working at Woodworker's Journal as the project builder and designer for 3 years when it was put up for sale by Prime Media Corp. It closed and then Rockler negotiated to buy the Woodworker's Journal name and subscription list. They hired me to do a couple projects as a contributing editor as part of a transition. Didn't work out well, but did two projects for them. You have to rout out a lot of material for the tab that slides out the supports, but works well.

Bill Carey
12-20-2018, 8:29 AM
I'm the guy that actually made that desk they use in the picture. I had been working at Woodworker's Journal as the project builder and designer for 3 years when it was put up for sale by Prime Media Corp. It closed and then Rockler negotiated to buy the Woodworker's Journal name and subscription list. They hired me to do a couple projects as a contributing editor as part of a transition. Didn't work out well, but did two projects for them. You have to rout out a lot of material for the tab that slides out the supports, but works well.

So I guess I know who to call when the installation goes sideways!! Ya, if the tab you're talking about is the "L" I see in the picture, I get what you're saying/ Was already thinking maybe that gets cut off a bit. We'll see what it looks like after I get the hardware.