View Full Version : Colt fine adjustment problem

David Ragan
12-16-2018, 1:48 PM

Some time ago, I bunged up my Colt palm router so that the fine adjustment was stripped (I hope that I'm wrong here).

When trying to make fine adjustments w the router and housing/base aligned properly, the threads don't engage.

the male/router part:


The female/housing part:

(Do these threads looked stripped to you?)


Have tried numerous times to tighten the housing @ the indicated "Quick Clamp System Lever", thinking that the outside/base part was not tight enough.


Even when tightening so much that it is difficult to rotate the router in/out of position, the fine adjustment system does not work.

Anyone encountered this before, and have a relatively easy fix?

It seems to me like the metal on the router itself is softer than that of the bolt so that the threads on the router (instead of the easily replaceable bolt) are mangled.....which is a more difficult fix, right?

What to do?

Thanks guys, always appreciate your help.

lowell holmes
12-16-2018, 2:41 PM
Check this site.

https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1UCRO_enUS813US813&ei=A6kWXOP3Bs_KsQXx245A&q=colt+router+parts&oq=colt+router&gs_l=psy-ab.1.6.0j0i22i30l9.208199.215243..220892...0.0..0. 128.941.10j1....2..0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j35i39j0i131j0i67j0i10.tOscjstzi0E

Dick Mahany
12-16-2018, 3:40 PM
My Bosch Colt was very finicky from the start. Although this won't solve your adjustment problem, I found that putting the Colt in the plunge base solved all of my fine adjust frustrations. It's a great little router but that original base is just one bad design. The plunge base also allows dust collection or the Bosch guide bushing adapter to be used which makes it more versatile although a little larger in use.



Lee Schierer
12-16-2018, 6:22 PM
The female/housing part:

(Do these threads looked stripped to you?)


Yes they look stripped. Aluminum threads are not good for multiple thread movements, they wear quickly. Lubrication does help.

justin sherriff
12-16-2018, 6:59 PM
I had this same problem it turned out I did not have the base and router lined up. you just need to twist it.

unlocked the screw is not engaged
locked the screw is engaged to make adjustments
use the fine adjustment with the tension lever open then lock it down when you are dun making your adjustment.

I just reread your post looks like I mist the part about it being aligned right.
Try taking the pressure off some more my fine adjustment works better with less pressure.