View Full Version : Sargent plane similar to stanley #45

Bob Oehler
12-01-2005, 11:43 AM
Hi All
How is this plane as far a overall quality to the stanley #45. They come up once and a while and I am looking into this type of plane as my next purchase.

Just wondering

Take care and Thanks
Bob Oehler

Mike Wenzloff
12-01-2005, 1:12 PM
Hi Bob, they can be variable, with the worse I've seen just having a lesser overall finish to them.

I sold one recently. It was a good example of a nice one. They work as well, the looks just usually not as nice on their later year models.

I used it for making some molding on our remodel of a Victorian to match the existing moldings. Used it a lot for drawer bottom grooving, center beads and the like. Up till I got my #55. It is a cadillac in comparison. Once the 55 came, I left the Sargent set up for 1/4" drawer bottom grooves.

Take care, Mike