View Full Version : A Funny Story and Some Great Customer Service

JohnM Martin
12-13-2018, 1:54 PM
This is a bit of a story so bear with me. My son, Maddox, lost his front tooth a couple of weeks ago. He wanted to take it for show and tell before placing it under his pillow for the tooth fairy, so I placed it in a ziploc baggie and set it on the kitchen counter. Well... show and tell day came and we could not find the tooth anywhere. I assumed Maddox misplaced it or it was thrown away by mistake and gone forever... until, a couple of days ago, when I received a package with a block plane I had shipped off to Lie Nielsen for repair. Inside the box was Maddox’s tooth, a gold coin, and this awesome note. Kudos to the fine folks at Lie Nielsen; they definitely went above and beyond with this one.

And, my son is amazed that the tooth fairy traveled all the way to Maine.


Pete Taran
12-13-2018, 2:00 PM
That's spectacular. Almost unbelievable. Thanks for sharing. Our daughter has lost 3 teeth in the past few months, she is growing quite a stash of loot!

Mel Fulks
12-13-2018, 2:08 PM
That is great! And would make a wonderful TV Christmas film with just some "fluffing". Like maybe the TF wings keep
icing up but Santa sprays some de-Icer on them!

Patrick McCarthy
12-13-2018, 2:39 PM
great all the way around! Well done LNTW crew.

Bill Houghton
12-13-2018, 5:56 PM
The tooth fairy is everywhere.

That's cool. I bet the LN folks were smiling all day.

William Fretwell
12-13-2018, 6:10 PM
My wife loved that story! (So did I!)
Kudos to LN. My LN scrub plane arrived last week, must check the box again..........

Bill McNiel
12-13-2018, 8:06 PM
Mahalo for sharing a great story, it brought a laugh and a tear to both Linda and me.

Chuck Saunders
12-14-2018, 8:46 AM
Now he has a worthy story for Show and Tell

JohnM Martin
12-14-2018, 9:16 AM
Now he has a worthy story for Show and Tell

You're right about that. Telling the full story today.

Malcolm Schweizer
12-14-2018, 11:02 AM
The tooth fairy was at LN on business? Hmmm- that means she’s a woodworker. Excuse me- I’m headed to the shop to knock out a few teeth. Is it rude to leave a wish list when I leave them under my pillow?

James Pallas
12-14-2018, 5:41 PM
Such a nice thing to do. Just thinking about the atmosphere at that business that would allow that to take place. Must surely be a great place to work surrounded by coworkers like that.

Jim Koepke
12-14-2018, 6:04 PM
A warm fuzzy feeling from a story told at a magical time of year.


Frederick Skelly
12-14-2018, 7:28 PM
Perfect Christmas time story! Like something out of a movie.

Van Huskey
12-14-2018, 11:29 PM
That is very cool.

michael langman
12-15-2018, 11:50 PM
With all that is going on around us today, makes this so special. and brings what life is all about, back into perspective.

Tony Shea
12-16-2018, 4:17 PM
That's such a cool story. My girlfriend and I really liked this one. LN is relatively local to us and every time we visit we are just amazed at how incredibly wonderful those people are. But this story really tops it off and encourages my loyalty to this company and their wonderful tools. Great timing as well!