View Full Version : A Coffee Table for Christmas?

steven c newman
12-07-2018, 8:51 PM
That is what one grandson wants Grandpa to build....and, he wants a drawer in it, too:rolleyes:

Picked up a few Ash planks today....one of the 1 x 6s was 10' long....barely fit in the van..
Also a couple 1 x 6 x 6' and a 2 x 4 x 8' Somehow managed to get the ten-footer to the shop....made two cross cuts...was going with 40" long...didn't quite work out
By the time these 3 were squared up to each other....top was just over 36" long...and will be around 16" wide...got out the jointers
Used both the #7c and the #8...
Wanted to get the edges glue-up ready...took awhile...was finally able to spread some glue, add the clamps and cauls..
Need to decide which face looks the better....this one, or..
Will find out in the morning...maybe I can start the legs....aprons will be after that....no bottom shelf to worry about.....going to try to make the drawer front from the from apron...might be "fun" to do? Have a deadline, this time around....
Put the planes away, sweep the floor....done enough for one day. Leftovers from the 2 x 4 x 8' will be used for the vise rehab....Ash might make decent jaws?

Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
12-08-2018, 2:09 PM
Ok, clamps came off today...
3 hours of shoptime, today...hauled the 2 x 4 to the shop...
2 blanks, 17" long...needed these ripped down a bit..
4 leg blanks needed tapered..
set these aside...needed to bring the better of the two 1 x 6 x 6' planks to the shop.
2 long aprons, 2 short aprons...had to bring one of the short scraps to the shop, trim to match the other short apron.
kept the best of the long off-cuts, since I had ripped the aprons down to 4", these will be bread board ends.
Have other plans for this long apron....stay tuned..

steven c newman
12-08-2018, 2:21 PM
Hmmmm, kind of hard to type, one handed....and eat lunch.

"Front Apron" needs a drawer...so
I made 2 rip cuts...while keeping things in the same order..
Then a couple cross cuts...centering the opening..
And glue 4 of the parts back into an apron...set it aside, for now..
Figured I could work on the other 3 aprons..
Lay out a few tenons....
6 out of 8 tenons are now milled...waiting on the last 2...
Will have to rip to final width..to match the drawer apron..saw kerfs. Legs were cramping up..time to close up for the day...
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
12-08-2018, 6:52 PM
Bread board ends are now installed....via sliding dovetails...film when I get around to it....

Mortise jig has been set up, awaiting shop time on Sunday. the 3 wide aprons now match apron #4 in width....saw kerf from each edge.

steven c newman
12-09-2018, 5:38 PM
Mortise jig was set up...
Used the tenon that will go here...to lay out the mortise..
Then chop for a bit..
Usual suspects.
The big mortise chisel is a Buck Brothers, cast steel, 3/8" chisel...as some of the mortises were a bit too big for the 8mm one. Was one other tool in use..
Single point...easy to just reset as needed..Pays to mark the insides of the aprons..
So I can keep track of which end goes where...
Was finally able to do a dry fit..3 hours, to do 8 mortises?
Getting slow in me old age? Also managed to rough cut parts for the vise rebuild...then cleared the top of the bench off..
Need to set up a jig ..or three...have work for another type of plane..
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
12-09-2018, 5:47 PM
Ok..while the bench was cleared off..I checked two chunks for size..
New jaws for the vise...AFTER the Coffee Table gets done..
Next plane to get used?
Have some bead work to do....

Why is it, every time I start a mortise...a knot gets in the way? 3 of the mortises had a knot going either along one side..or right straight across...Narex lost a chip when it hit one of them...:mad:

Fun part will be later...drawer runners need made and installed...with nothing showing on the outside of the aprons....thinking a 1/2 blind dovetail....then add the guides after...

Finger joints for the drawer front...Grandson seems to like them...:cool:
Stay tuned....this may turn out to be...fun:rolleyes:

steven c newman
12-09-2018, 11:13 PM
Paying the price for going back to the shop.....ow...back is stiffened up...legs are crampy....oh well..
Aprons now have a bead along the bottom edge..
Then the legs got the double bead detail. First, a couple of them needed cleaned up..
lots of skip-plane marks as well...
Same leg..after the Stanley #3 got done..
Figured IF I get any shop time, tomorrow...I can glue the base together....so..
Cordless Mitersaw....needed 4 corner blocks...
Hmmm..more like this..
Then drill a few pilot holes...
Then countersink....all set up for the assembly Then, maybe a start on the drawer?

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
12-10-2018, 6:17 PM
Boss had errands to run this morning ( I get a free lunch!) and I needed to pick up a couple packs of screws....

Trimmed a couple tenon shoulders for a better fit....add glue and clamps..
Added the corner blocks...
Then, laid a square and a straight edge along one side..
which showed I was about 1/2" out of square...diagonal clamp and a caul, to pull things into square..
Somewhere in that forest of clamps...is the base to the Coffee Table...
Letting this sit until tomorrow....then drawer work...
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
12-11-2018, 9:35 PM
Clamps came off today...part of a 5 hour "shift" in the shop...Had to haul the last 1 x 6 x 6' to the shop...crosscut a few pieces...ripped a few...needed parts made
2 guides, 2 runners, and a kicker. All go into sockets.
Used the dovetail bit in the router..to mill the sockets....was almost done cutting tails to fit...bandsaw blade broke:mad:
Got the kicker fitted. then worked on the runners..
And all glued into place...then the guides..
Fun part was going around the otherside, drill and install a few screws....checked for square as the clamps were installed
End was flush with the drawer opening..tighten that clamp...squared? Tighten to other clamp....repeat for the other guide rail.
Next was a drawer...ripped a few pieces down, to match the drawer front...back will get cut for length later.
First off, I need to clear the bench off. BTW...I gave that new jaw a test run...drawer front was a tad fat....Millers Falls No. 11 to joint the edges until the blank fit the opening..seemed to hold parts nicely

Stay tuned..a lot more to come...was a busy 5 hours, today...right elbow is very tired...even set up the Stanley 45 as a plough plane...took about..5 minutes to get from a bead cutter plane, to where it will plough a groove for the drawer's bottom...
https://sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=398522&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1544582066 (https://sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=398522&d=1544582066)

steven c newman
12-11-2018, 9:51 PM
Plough plane can wait until tomorrow. Letting the elbow rest up, for now. Used a 6mm mortise chisel to lay out finger joints....then backsaw to cut a few lines..
Same chisel to chop half way through..
Then flip over, and complete the chopping....used this to lay out the matching fingers..repeat...then keep going until the front and the two sides can be dry fitted...
Back piece had been rough cut for length...did a rebate layout for it...
Used the mitersaw to make a cut for the rebate shoulder...
One cut. Cheek cuts? With the bandsaw down...clamped each side in the vise..
Mark a line across the end...then..
Backsaw to make the cuts..helps to rub the plate with the candle....dry fit the drawer in the opening..
Drawer back was a tad too long...just enough for the Mitersaw to trim off...
Stay tuned..May try to post a view of the drawer front..

steven c newman
12-11-2018, 10:03 PM
And a view from the front...not sure what handle will get used..yet
Now you know why the elbow is a bit sore...what is with posting a photo, tonight? Had to edit these posts, just to get the pictures to show...
Tomorrow..plough a few grooves, cut the plywood bottom to size...glue the drawer up...might even work on the top of this table...stay tuned..

William Fretwell
12-12-2018, 5:13 PM
Steve I bet your latest attachments were too large!

steven c newman
12-12-2018, 5:30 PM
You'd lose...attachments were the same EXACT sizes as always posted.....been yelling at the site people about this issue for almost a year now....

steven c newman
12-12-2018, 8:04 PM
Try my luck again....posted a picture from today's shop time...came perfect here....so. we'll see...
Jigged up...
Grooves milled. Took 3 tries to get a plywood panel the correct size
Pilot holes drilled for the back to be attached
And countersunk....then clamps and glue
Let this sit overnight...maybe tomorrow, I can start on the top of the table?
May try to round the corners a bit..
2" radius curve. We be getting there..slowly..

steven c newman
12-12-2018, 9:18 PM
I double checked...all photos I loaded up to this site..were resized to 640 x 480 size...BEFORE I loaded them here. Same size I always use....

steven c newman
12-12-2018, 11:13 PM
The drawer is out of the clamps...and cleaned up. Have it almost fitted to the opening...still a tad sticky. A knob has been installed. Bench has been cleared off....almost ready to "grind" the table's top flat..tomorrow. I'd post a few pictures....but....:(

steven c newman
12-13-2018, 5:27 PM
Was hanging up on the kicker...
Back of drawer had a high spot,,,,sanded that down. Kicker?
Keeps the drawer from tipping down...
Only knob I had on hand...
Top had a few "issues"
One edge had a curve to it....
Needed a wee bit of work, today...
Might do the trick?
Also, needed to cut some corners...
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
12-13-2018, 5:54 PM
So far, so good....picture-wise?
Got things close to flat, on both faces..
All the edges were jointed
Used both the No. 7c, and the M-F No.11
Came in handy.....was getting almost flat..
With a slight tear-out to fix...
Used the better looking of the two faces as the "Top"...set that face down on the bench, corner blocks in the base got slotted holes drilled. base flipped onto the top. 2 screws installed, once the base was centered...washers under the screw heads
Had to use a clamp..
To pull the other side into alignment...add the other two screws..while the feet were up in the air..
Metal foot pads were installed...then the table was flipped over, placed back on the top of the tablesaw, and a router ran around putting a small cove detail around the top edge of the "Top"

So..how did YOUR day go?

steven c newman
12-13-2018, 5:58 PM
I made a mess in the shop.
Even before the router was run..
Still need to sand the top a bit more....will leave it sit here, for now..
Stay tuned

Stew Denton
12-13-2018, 11:16 PM

I am enjoying the build, and I have to say, you are not letting any grass grow under your feet. The build is really coming together quickly.


steven c newman
12-14-2018, 4:45 PM
Table needs to be ready to haul to the Christmas Eve Party....so...I have a "Deadline" to meet.

May try to get a finish applied this weekend.....may even post a PIP?

After this project is done, and out of the shop....have a vise to rebuild, a couple planes need sharpened up, and maybe a chisel or three...

steven c newman
12-14-2018, 10:37 PM
Top has been smoothed down...sanded to 220 grit...time for a PIP? It does have a coat of brushed on Minwax Dark Walnut....brush on...wipe down with a rag ( then tossed the nasty thing out into the backyard)
So...walk down the steps to the shop, if you will...
Tablesaw makes a nice stand to do a finish on...and if I dribble onto the saw...meh.
View of the top..no varnish yet,,,still have to go out and buy some...
Old Birch knob had some funny grain..might be the style he likes...
Waiting to see what the clear gloss poly does to the colour...
Used my late Dad's sander, the one he used when he refinished all the doors in his house..
Had this runnng on "Straight Line" motion, gear shift the pencil is pointing to, is where I can shift to "Orbital Motion" Was running 220 grit...
Just hope the grandson likes this little table..will post when the poly is done...IF anyone wants.

Stew Denton
12-14-2018, 11:53 PM

Looking forward to seeing the finish, and am thinking it will spruce up some and bring out the grain. Good job, and you are going to meet your deadline!


steven c newman
12-15-2018, 9:15 PM
Varnish and a brush or two have been bought....I don't do "wipe-on finishes" nor am I set up to spray them.....don't feel like spraying things in the same area as a gas furnace and a gas water heater...

Will see what the first coat does....may need a second one...hope to have it buffed out and dry by next weekend.

Which leads to the infamous question.....how do I wrap this as a present...:D

steven c newman
12-16-2018, 12:24 PM
OK..hauled this thing out of the shop...wanted to see how it looked in front of the sofa...
Was still a bit tacky around the drawer...so it is now sitting opened, to let it dry better..
Grain in the top did "pop" a bit, though..
Going to buff this out a bit...then figure out how to wrap it up......don't have enough shavings to make a bow...

Stew Denton
12-16-2018, 2:59 PM
Hi Steven,

The finish did bring out the grain very nicely.

Instead of wrapping it, can you just sneak it under the tree after he goes to sleep? It may take a pretty good sized tree to be able to sneak it under though.

I am sure he will like it.


steven c newman
12-18-2018, 12:22 PM
Table getting delivered today....may post photos later...after Grandson #2 receives it, Monday...Grandson #3 is taking down to his Mom's...where the Party will be...

May wind up having to build a second one.....after his Mom sees this one...

Stew Denton
12-18-2018, 8:48 PM
Hi Steven,

Main question you mentioned earlier. I.E.: How to wrap it. Come up with anything? (I am cluesless, and can be of no help whatsoever, except to say that when we bought a bicycle for our older daughter when she was pretty little, my wife covered it up with a blanket. I don't remember whether she put a bow on it or what. Keep us clued into this important topic....how to wrap the table!)


steven c newman
12-25-2018, 12:36 AM
Just place a large gift bag on it...then tell him the table goes with it...:cool:
He just has to haul it home to Columbus, OH.....:D