View Full Version : Tale of 2 Bowls w/ PICS

Steve Mathews
12-07-2018, 7:16 PM
Here are a few pics of my latest bowl turnings, both attempts at trying something different. The first one of Mesquite wood is rather small at only 6" but features a natural edge, something I've never attempted before. I'm still confused about how the edges could've been made better. I like the finished work but I think there's room for improvement. The Mesquite finished beautifully with sanding to 600 grit, Tung oil and polishing with the Beale system. This will be a Xmas gift to one of my wife's friends along with some bottle stoppers. The other bowl is larger at over 14", the largest one made so far. It's some type of Cedar based on the smell. This was an interesting wood to turn, which required some adjustments in not only turning but sanding. It's not finished completely but has a few coats of diluted shellac. After a few more coats I plan to polish it using the Beale system unless there are some better ideas. And lastly is pic looking out from a Mr. Ed door by my lathe. It has nothing to do with woodturning other than providing some artistic inspiration to the craft. Based on what I have of it within I need all the help I can get.