View Full Version : Porter Cable 7518 router - Mexico vs USA?

richard newman
11-21-2018, 3:58 PM
So, is there a discernible difference in quality between earlier USA made and later Mexico made 7518 routers?

Haven't bought a new router in 25 yrs, and that one was an Elu.

Tom M King
11-21-2018, 4:01 PM
I've heard claims of issues, but I have some of both, and never a hiccup out of any of them.

Mike Kees
11-21-2018, 7:41 PM
I would echo Tom,own and use both and never had issues either way. Real good solid routers with strong motors that last forever.

Rick Potter
11-22-2018, 3:19 AM
Only problem I have had was with a 5 speed switch. Took it apart and is was full of sawdust. Blew it out with air, and that fixed it. US model.