View Full Version : Small Cupboard with Kumiko Panel

Ron Brese
11-20-2018, 10:32 PM
Small Cupboard 14" x 19.5" overall. Pine case, cherry kumiko panel and accents, full grain leather lined drawer bottom. I'm posting in the Neanderthal forum for a couple reasons. The lion share of the work on this pieces was performed with hand tools, I also wanted to encourage others to visit the "Sad News" post in this section and donate to Evenfall Studios.

Thanks for looking,








Brent VanFossen
11-21-2018, 2:42 AM
Very nicely done, Ron. It's beautiful. I've never done kumiko.

Brian Holcombe
11-21-2018, 8:00 AM
Nice work, Ron!

Ron Bontz
11-21-2018, 8:21 AM
What the others said. Very nice.

Matthew Hartlin
11-21-2018, 8:36 AM
Saw this on Instagram. Great work!

Is the door tongue and grooved together? Glued or battens on the back?

Bill Carey
11-21-2018, 8:50 AM
very cool Ron. Beautiful detail work - and one of the best pine pieces I've ever seen. How tedious was the kumiko? Did you use templates or jigs? Never done it myself but might have to give it a try.

glenn bradley
11-21-2018, 9:21 AM
Very nice indeed.

Jim Koepke
11-21-2018, 1:23 PM
As others have already said, very well done.


Ron Brese
11-21-2018, 4:06 PM
Matthew the door is held together with battens on the back. The battens are also utilized to hold the Kumiko panel in the cut out. The battens puts any movement in the gap between the boards so the fit of the door doesn't change with seasonal movement.


Ron Brese
11-21-2018, 4:08 PM
Bill I made some adjustable fixtures for trimming the Kumiko parts to final size with chisels. It's a very enjoyable and lends itself to hand work.


Ted Calver
11-21-2018, 4:10 PM
Very pleasing to the eye. Love it.

Mel Fulks
11-21-2018, 4:53 PM
Beautiful, and it has a real seriousness that I don't usually associate with light colored woods. How will it be used?

David Warkentin
11-22-2018, 5:11 PM
I’m impressed also with how nice it looks in pine. I hadn’t given it much consideration for fine furniture wood but looks like I may need to reconsider. It’s plentiful in Alabama. :-)

Ron Brese
11-22-2018, 5:21 PM
I found the pine boards used for the case work while shopping materials for a different project. I noticed right away that these boards were not your average pine boards. They were noticeably more dense than other boards and the grain structure and color were different than most as well. I purchased them and set them aside for a special project. As they say, "the rest is history".
